Chapter 2: The Gathering of the Voyagers (Part 1 of 2) Transcript


[Music: "Main Title" (triumphant orchestral music) starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Chapter Two: The Gathering of The Voyagers. Part One of Two.

[Music: "Main Title" ends.]


[SFX: River rushing, water splashing.]

CALAN (Gasping) Bri! Bri, where are you!? Gods! What have I done!?

[SFX: Distant wind, chickens clucking, running footsteps on grass.]

CALAN (Panting)

VILLAGER #1 Can I help you, dearie?

CALAN I lost someone! A red-haired girl! Have you seen her!?

VILLAGER #2 Well no, I—

CALAN Have you seen any Elvans?

VILLAGER #1 Elvans? No, but—Bill here saw these hooded men saving a girl from the lake.

VILLAGER #2 Yeah, hmm—

VILLAGER #1 They headed that way.

[SFX: Running footsteps on grass.]

VILLAGER #1 I said THAT way!

VILLAGER #2 Where are you going, boy?

CALAN (Fading out) To find an Orc!

VILLAGER #1 To find an oar?

VILLAGER #2 I think he said 'fork'.

VILLAGER #1 Oh, my! Gaths are odd.


[Music: "Iriklas and Jenquo" (playful, scheming music) starts.]

[SFX: Waves rumbling and crashing, wooden ship creaking.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) In the light of the day, the sea is calmer now, gently cradling a mid-ship, hardly more than boat, occupied by two strange seafarers. One Elvan and the other rather squat and dark of skin. They lean over the third passenger laying prone on the prow with curiosity. Sunlight glares off the water and into her opening eyes.

[Music: "Iriklas and Jenquo" ends.]

BRI (Groaning)

IRIKLAS Ah, she awakens!

JENQUO I'll fetch some water.

[SFX: Footsteps on wood.]

IRIKLAS Do you—err—remember what happened?

BRI I remember…I was in the water—I don't know for how long—but I survived on a piece of the mast. Your boat came, and… 

[SFX: Footsteps on wood.]

JENQUO You fell asleep as soon as you stepped aboard.

BRI How long have I slept?

IRIKLAS A few hours, maybe. You were barely conscious when we came across you. Relax now, my fire-headed friend, you are safe.

BRI Don’t come too close.

[SFX: More footsteps on wood.]

IRIKLAS Okay, easy!

JENQUO Have some water.

[Music: "Iriklas and Jenquo" starts.]

[SFX: Cork pop, bottle clinking.]

BRI (Gulping)

BRI Where are we?

JENQUO You are on our boat.

IRIKLAS You know, we really ought to come up with a name for it.

BRI Y-you're Elvan.

IRIKLAS Yes, I am. I am Iriklas, he is Jenquo. He is a Dwarf.

BRI How did you find me? And are these—

[SFX: Cloth rustling.]

BRI Are these clothes for me?

JENQUO Oh, you may not want to stand up. The condition of your current wear…


JENQUO Yeah…lots burned.

[SFX: More rustle of clothing.]

BRI Well, I thank you for looking away, then. You two are more honourable than you—well—

JENQUO Well, what? Do you judge us by our appearance?

IRIKLAS No, she's right, we look like pirates.

BRI Well, are you?

[SFX: Beat.]

IRIKLAS (Simultaneously) No.

JENQUO (Simultaneously) Maybe.


JENQUO What? What do you call what we do?

IRIKLAS Mmm…discreet merchants? I left you the clothes of our lady friend Estrea. She's no longer with us.

[SFX: More footsteps on wood.]

[Clicking noise*?]

JENQUO She's with another Captain. (Whispering) He had a bigger ship.


IRIKLAS We saw the smoke of an imperial ship miles away. We sailed here immediately to see if we could save all the gold, or silvers, or gems.

JENQUO Perhaps a new spear for me. Maybe castle-forged. Some good wine perhaps.

IRIKLAS Oh—or a fine lute to play, since you threw mine overboard.

JENQUO Oh, and you mustn’t forget when a ship full of Elvans is in grave peril—you must save the artwork or fine craft. It is truth!

IRIKLAS Yes. No one appreciates craftsmanship like Dwarves. But instead, we found you.


BRI It wasn't my ship. I was abducted by those Elvan soldiers! Well, I’m glad to hear they all burned.

IRIKLAS Their longboats were missing, so I believe there were survivors.

[Music: "Iriklas and Jenquo" ends.]

JENQUO Pieces of it were here and there in flames. Smoke everywhere. Dead Elvans. It was great.

IRIKLAS And yet, not a scratch nor burn on your skin. The Gods must really like you.

JENQUO Yes, from birth, it seems they've endowed you well.

BRI Watch your words, Dwarf man. Where is your ship going?

JENQUO We were just on our way to the markets of Gnarles, east of here.

IRIKLAS For work, or whatever lay there.

BRI My Gods, this is a terrible ship!

IRIKLAS Mmmm…yes, it leaves much to be desired.

JENQUO Where do you live, Human girl?

BRI Gathland, I'm from Gathland.

JENQUO Hm, how far is the River Nymue?

IRIKLAS Not too far, about a day West.

JENQUO Great. We'll drop the girl off and be back—

BRI Can you take me to Wynhold?

JENQUO Iriklas?

IRIKLAS A day north, and puts us another five days from Gnarles. For that, we won't do it for free.

[SFX: Cork pops, bottle clinking.]

IRIKLAS So, what do you have, lady? Coppers? Silver—?

BRI I…had a gold coin. But I gave it to our guide in payment.

IRIKLAS Well, that's a pity, then. We'll make shore up the river Nymue and leave you off there. Least we can do for you, girl.

[SFX: Footsteps on wood, waves crashing, boat creaking.]


[SFX: Running footsteps on grass, distant birdsong.]

CALAN (Panting) (Yelling) Orc ranger! Orc! Orc are you here!? I need your help! Please! Tarúk!

[SFX: Heavy crash, body falling to grass.]

CALAN (Groans)

[SFX: Footsteps on grass.]

[SFX: Body rolling on grass.]

CALAN (Groans)

TARÚK Where's your friend?


[SFX: Boat creaking, waves crashing, dice rattling in a cup.]

JENQUO Right, now shake yours and cover the top with your hand.

BRI Okay?

[SFX: Dice shake.]

JENQUO Now quickly drop the open end on the table like this, but don't let the dice escape.

[SFX: Wooden table thud.]

BRI Now what?

JENQUO You must guess a number of sides.

BRI I can't see yours! It could be anything.

JENQUO (Laughs) That's why it's called gambling, my girl. The trick is not in accuracy, it is in misleading the other players. Risking it all for greater reward.

BRI Then I say…five fives.

JENQUO Let us see.

[SFX: Scrape on wood.]


JENQUO Not bad for a beginner. But in the future, I would hide that smile, or I would have called your bet.

BRI Well, you shave that beard hiding yours, and it will be an even fight.

JENQUO (Laughs) I like this girl.

[SFX: Footsteps on wood.]

BRI How long before we reach shore?

IRIKLAS Not long. By sundown at least.

BRI …Does the word "Lord Magnir" have any meaning to you?

IRIKLAS Come again, girl?

[SFX: More footsteps.]

JENQUO Ooooh, you've got his interest.

IRIKLAS (Whispering) Quiet, Dwarf.

BRI Villadius. He stopped by our Inn. He travelled all the way to my inn and slapped a gold coin on my table just to ask me about my father.

JENQUO What interest does some dandy Elvan councilman have in you, or your father, girl?

BRI Lots of people have asked me that. I mean to find out. And I'm certain he will have more than enough gold to spare for what I know in return.

IRIKLAS Why should we believe he'll give it to us in gratitude?

BRI Well…I suppose that's why they call it gambling?

IRIKLAS (Grumbles)

JENQUO (Laughs)

[SFX: Footsteps on wood.]

IRIKLAS Very well. But you’d better be worth it, girl. I will be extremely cross if you are not.


[Music: "Wynhold" (majestic, hopeful music) begins.]

[SFX: Crowd murmur, footsteps on cobblestone, rooster crowing, distant bells, cow mooing, water splashing, hammering.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) Below the high towers of Wynhold and the troubles of Kings and Councils, the common folk dwell with troubles of their own in the markets and streets under the watch of armoured guard. Where Calan and the Workan ranger Tarúk arrive.

[SFX: Footsteps on cobblestone.]

CALAN I've never seen the Capital in my life! How can men build something so grand?

TARÚK Prisoners. Many were Orcs, some Gaths, too…what? It is true. Do not scowl over what is your history.

[SFX: Dog barks.]

CALAN Should we wait outside the city walls?

TARÚK You've never been in a city before, have you, stable boy? You need a guide. Back when our kind was at war, it was your fondness for building weapons and forts that triumphed over orcs—who, until then, relied on strength alone and thought it would never fail them.

CALAN You sound bitter about that fact.

TARÚK I have no love for the Orcs. The fire of conquests have frosted over.

CALAN Just keep your hood over your head.

TARÚK The Lord Magnir will be in the council tower, no doubt. They will not let either of us close.

[SFX: Distant hammering, footsteps on cobblestone, birdsong.]

[SFX: Heavy footsteps approaching, iron rattling.]

IRIKLAS Watch your hands!

JENQUO Don't touch my locs!

WYNHOLD CAPTAIN What is this? Who are these two foreigners?

WYNHOLD GUARD #1 These two did not pay the docking fee.

IRIKLAS Well, last time we were here it was nine coppers to dock. Was it not, Jenquo?

JENQUO It was, and the dockhand tied up our boat for us, too!

WYNHOLD GUARD #1 For the likes of you pirates, we will do no such thing. Since you refuse to pay ten, we will have to throw you in a cell for—

[SFX: Light footsteps on cobblestone.]

BRI Wait, wait! These men are with me!

 [SFX: Chains jangle.]

IRIKLAS Yes, she's right!

JENQUO Yes! Yes, the attractive white girl is with us!

WYNHOLD GUARD #1 These men are well past compensating us for our trouble.

BRI You will get more of the coppers you ask for. Once I've spoken with the Lord Magnir.

WYNHOLD GUARD #1 (Laughs) You know the Lord Magnir?

BRI It's true! He is expecting me! Tell him! Tell him Bri has come to—

[Music: "Main Theme" starts.]

CALAN (Distant) Bri!?

BRI Calan!

[SFX: Running footsteps on cobblestone.]


BRI Calan!

[SFX: Clothes rustle in an embrace.]

BRI (Laughs)

CALAN I thought you were—

BRI Dead? Me, too.

IRIKLAS (Whispering) Do you think he wants to kiss her?

JENQUO (Whispering) Oh, yeah. I mean, look at him. Here he goes…he’s leaning in!

[SFX: Shuffling on cobblestone.]

BRI (Distant) It's very good to see you. 

IRIKLAS Oooh! She backed away.


[SFX: Chains rattle, heavy footsteps on cobblestone.]

WYNHOLD GUARD #1 Captain, these are the ones right here.

WYNHOLD CAPTAIN What is your business in Wynhold?

BRI Oh, us? We've travelled from Gathland to deliver this—

[SFX: Cloth patting.]

CALAN Where's your letter?

BRI I—I burned it. Uh, we're here to see the Lord Magnir, Villadius.

WYNHOLD CAPTAIN What are your names?

CALAN I'm Calan, and this is Bri.

WYNHOLD CAPTAIN I see. (Laughs) Now I remember, a girl named Bri and her friend. You two come with us, we’ll get you to him immediately.

[SFX: Heavy footsteps on cobblestone.]

CALAN Really?

WYNHOLD CAPTAIN Yes. My men will escort us to the castle Tower—

BRI Wait, just like that? You're going to take us?

WYNHOLD CAPTAIN Of course. We were told to be on the lookout for a Gath girl and boy coming this way. There's no time to waste.

[SFX: Dog barking, more heavy footsteps.]

TARÚK A Gath girl and boy?


TARÚK Those sound like orders given to a Captain of Guard.

JENQUO Ooh, he's good.

WYNHOLD CAPTAIN Get out of my way, hooded man. You're probably a thief.

TARÚK And that isn’t the Guard Tower. It’s the guard barracks.

WYNHOLD CAPTAIN Move, or I'll have you arrested too!

[SFX: Metal jangles.]

TARÚK Too? You've been deceived, Bri. He confesses.

WYNHOLD CAPTAIN I do now that I have all of you surrounded!

BRI Tarúk, there's more surrounding us.

[SFX: Heavy footsteps on cobblestone, metal clinking.]

CALAN What do we do?

TARÚK They outnumber us, and there are more within these walls. I do not know… 

[SFX: Sword draws.]

WYNHOLD CAPTAIN Now, you come with me.

[SFX: Metal jangles.]

IRIKLAS (Whispering) Are you out of your bonds?

JENQUO Oh, yes.

[Music: "Tarúk and the Bandits" (orchestral action music) starts.]

 IRIKLAS (Whispering) Then by all means, let's— (Yelling) —FIGHT!

[Music: "Tarúk and the Bandits" ends.]


[Music: "Main Theme" starts.]

[Music: "Main Theme" ends.]

[Music: "End Credits" (rustic percussive music) starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Starring Bonnie Bogovich, Stephen Cumberworth, Jacob Williamson, Corey Borchers, Hayden Ashley, Xathian and Gary Gibbs the Second. For the full cast list, please visit This podcast was written and produced by Kurt Cañez. With music by Adam Halpin, with additional tracks by Stephen Cumberworth. Both can be found on Bandcamp. Additional audio editing by Sasha Blore. Read the podcast description and follow us on our pages of media. Send a bird bearing the hashtag COTF Podcast. Leave us a review on iTunes. Although the greatest way to support the show is to become a patron of ours on our Patreon page so that we may maintain our production. Five dollar and above listeners get exclusive content such as music tracks by Adam Halpin and extended episodes. Gather around in two weeks for the next instalment of our play. To ask us about sponsorship, send us an electronic letter to This has been a Rubbish Log Production. I am your narrator, George Hoctor. We thank you all for listening.

[Music: "End Credits" ends.]