Chapter 4: The Terror of Buri (Part 1 of 2) Transcript


[Music: "Main Title" (triumphant orchestral music) starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Chapter Four: The Terror of Buri. Part One of Two.

[Music: "Main Title" ends.]


[Music: "The Small Folk" (cheerful, rustic flute music) starts.]

[SFX: Rope creaking, waves lapping.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) With the sea behind them, our Voyagers leave their boat in one of the many ports in the land of Buri. An odd place, a collection of Halfin fishing folk, farmers, and islanders, forming an enduring community, united in its suspicion of the bigger races.

[SFX: Crowd chatter, footsteps on wood.]

BRI Yes, just myself and these four.

[SFX: Book page turning.]

HEMI Hm, let me see here. Dwarf.


HEMI Elvan.


HEMI Human.

CALAN Good evening to ye.


TARÚK (Clears throat) (Higher pitch than usual) Human. I am Human.


BRI (Laughs)

HEMI I see. As long as you have the coin for it, there's four big folk sized beds available.

[SFX: Book shuts.]

BRI Yes! Thank you.

IRIKLAS Finally, a bed.

HEMI For the Dwarf, a Halfin bed will have to do.

JENQUO Then I'll make do.

[SFX: Footsteps on wood.]

CALAN Thank you so much, you have no idea how long we've been looking for—

HEMI On your way, big man. I have Halfin patrons to attend to.

CALAN Oh, okay then.

TARÚK You best mind your own, boy. All things are larger to the little folk, as are any hints of danger we give to them.

[Music: "The Small Folk" ends.]


[SFX: Bed frame creaks, sheets rustle.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) With a setting of comfort, the defences in Bri’s mind give way to a deep slumber—

BRI (Unconscious murmuring)

NARRATOR (Voiceover) —One which manifests into a dream.

BRI No… 

[SFX: Fire ignites.]

BRI I didn't ask for this… (Murmuring)

[SFX: Fire crackles and blazes.]

BRI (Cries out) Oh! Oh, no… 

[SFX: Fire whooshes.]

BRI Oh NO! Wake up! WAKE UP! There's a fire!

[SFX: Footsteps on wood, door slams open.]


[SFX: Running footsteps on wood, fire keeps crackling.]

IRIKLAS Girl, put out that hand!

BRI I don't know how! Water! I need water!

JENQUO (Coughing)

IRIKLAS There's no time! Quickly! Out the window!

[SFX: Flames roar, more running footsteps, distant screaming from crowd.]

HEMI Everyone out! There's a bloody fire! FIRE!

BRI (Coughing) Calan!? Where's Calan!

JENQUO (Coughing) There is no time, girl! We must go outside!

[SFX: Window shutters creak open, footfall on dirt, crowd clamouring and coughing.]

JENQUO We are safe now.

[SFX: Fire whooshes.]

BRI My hand is still—!

IRIKLAS Plunge it in the dirt! Quickly!

[SFX: Dirt sizzling.]

IRIKLAS Is that all of us?

JENQUO The Orc and the Boy!

BRI Has anyone seen Tarúk? Or Calan?

[SFX: Footsteps in dirt.]

BRI There’s not—they're not here—they're—

IRIKLAS Girl, no!

[SFX: Clothes rustling.]

BRI I can—! No!

[SFX: Struggling.]

IRIKLAS (Grunting)

JENQUO Do not go in!

[SFX: Wood groaning and splintering.]

HEMI The inn is on fire!

BRI No! This was my doing. I-I…oh, no.

[SFX: Flames crackling, crowd coughing and groaning.]

JENQUO Girl! He comes!

[SFX: Running footsteps on dirt.]

TARÚK We saw the flames!

CALAN Bri, are you alright?

BRI Calan! Oh, my Gods! Why—? What were you doing out here!?

CALAN Late night sword lessons? (Nervous chuckle)

HEMI My inn! Look at it! It's gone!

TARÚK We should leave, before—

HEMI Was it you big folk?

[SFX: Crowd murmuring, coughing, baby crying.]

JENQUO It wasn't us!

HEMI Yeah, I see that look in your face, girl. You did it, I know you did.

BRI I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to—


[SFX: Crowd grows louder, angry shouting.]

HEMI You ARSONIST! Never come back! OUT! OUT!

[SFX: Running footsteps on dirt.]


[SFX: Crickets, footsteps on dirt, leaves crunching, twigs snapping.]

JENQUO Do you see the way, Orc man?

TARÚK Well enough. I can see the Western mountains.

BRI Off the road?

TARÚK Yes, or would you prefer to wake up to Halfin wardens searching for arsonists nearby? We get some distance from this path, then make camp.

IRIKLAS Yes, perhaps somewhere with nothing—you know— (Whispers) Flammable.

TARÚK I need your Elvan ears listening.

IRIKLAS The only breath I can hear is our own.

TARÚK Not all terrors draw breath.

JENQUO Ooh…cryptic.

CALAN Do you want to talk about…? Well—

BRI What? How I had a bad dream that caused me to set my bedding on fire? How I can't control my Magnir powers? How I burned down a bloody inn and ruined lives and nearly ended them!?

TARÚK Girl, you must keep—

BRI I know, Tarúk. When we reach Bellar, when we meet the Magnir Council, I'm going to ask them if they can take this power away.


IRIKLAS It makes sense.

JENQUO Iriklas!

IRIKLAS I mean it's either that or—er—sleep with your hands in buckets.

JENQUO Achi-wo! You cannot refuse a gift from the Sun herself!

[SFX: Trees creaking.]

BRI Watch me, I will rid myself of this—this curse—I'll—I’ll—!

[SFX: More creaking.]

IRIKLAS Wait! Shh! Shh!

JENQUO What do you—?


[SFX: Beat.]

IRIKLAS Something… 

TARÚK I see nothing. I can hear it, too, it's close!

BRI It's only the wind.


[SFX: Footsteps.]

IRIKLAS We should—

[SFX: Swooping whoosh, rustling leaves, creaking tree limbs, creature roar.]

JENQUO Iriklas!

IRIKLAS (Coughs)

[SFX: Sword ringing unsheathed.]

TARÚK Elvan, hold still!

[SFX: Running footsteps, sword clanging, thumping against bark, creature groaning.]

JENQUO Let go of him you—you—TREE!

BRI (Cries out in distance)

TARÚK (Grunts)

[SFX: More clanging and groaning, body thumping to leafy ground.]

IRIKLAS (Raspy) Thanks.

TARÚK Stay back!

JENQUO It is shaped like a man!

[SFX: Leaves rustling, bark creaking, sword thumping.]

CALAN (Grunts)

[SFX: Spear swishing through the air.]

JENQUO With my spear I will vault from that rock, mount its shoulders, and remove its head off with my great strength!

[SFX: Running and leaping impact.]

JENQUO (Battle cry)

BRI Bloody hells!

TARÚK No, Dwarf!

JENQUO (Grunting)

[SFX: Wood straining, spear clanking, leaves rustling.]

CALAN Our swords can't kill that! We need an axe!

BRI Your arms!

TARÚK It has me!

[SFX: Sword clanging to ground, punching against bark, creature moaning.]

BRI My dagger—!

JENQUO Come on—you—TREE!

[SFX: Wooden creaking, snapping with a loud crack.]

JENQUO I have its head! HAHA!?

[SFX: Creature rumbles, head thumping to leafy ground.]

JENQUO Bad news, my friends! It can live without a head!

BRI You two have that in common!

[SFX: Wooden straining.]

TARÚK (Struggling) I can't hold it—!

BRI (Grunts) It's got Tarúk trapped! It's going to impale him!

[SFX: Running footsteps, dagger whooshing through air, wooden impact.]

TARÚK (Grunts)

[SFX: Thumping and straining against bark.]

JENQUO Stop fooling with that dagger and use your fire, girl!

BRI What!? I can't, I'll—!

IRIKLAS Just try! He'll be dead anyway if you do not!

BRI Anyway!?

TARÚK (Grunts fading)

[SFX: Wooden straining intensifies, creature growling slowly.]

[SFX: Light running footsteps on dirt.]

MYRTLE WAIT! Kuma, stop!

[SFX: Bark crackling, silently questioning.]

BRI Let go of my friends!

MYRTLE Kuma, let them go! Sleep!

[SFX: Wooden creaking, tree limbs whistle through air, bodies drop to ground.]

CALAN The tree listens to you?

[SFX: Shuffling across ground, turning into footsteps, crickets in background.]

MYRTLE I sort of—um—made him, so he listens to me.

TARÚK Who are you!? And why did you set your wooden beast on us?

MYRTLE I didn't! He's the guardian here. What are you all doing so far? And so late? Did you not see my signs? Oh…oh…I knew I should have made them at Human height. Ugh! But I can't reach.

BRI We just passed through Buri. We—I caused lots of trouble in the last town. Lots of people were hurt and…we had to leave.

MYRTLE Oh! You poor dear— (Strangled noise)

[SFX: Sword rings.]

TARÚK That's close enough, Halfin.

BRI If you made this thing, then you must be an Incanter. A witch.

MYRTLE Well, I don't know about that. I mean, I dabble in Duinna's magics, and yeah…um, could you all please put down the weapons?

TARÚK No. Do not let your guard down around this witch! And don't let her speak of word of the old tongue—

[SFX: Branches snapping, trees rustling, bark creaking.]

KUMA (Growls)

MYRTLE Kuma, behave!

[SFX: Daggers sheathe.]

IRIKLAS I'm putting my daggers away.

JENQUO And my spear.


IRIKLAS I'm not arguing with that bark.

[SFX: Wooden creaking fading.]

MYRTLE I suppose I have a lot of explaining to do about this. Is anyone hurt? Did he touch any of you? Kuma’s hands here are made of poison oak.

[SFX: Everyone groans.]

MYRTLE Oh my…did he touch all of you?

BRI Yes.

TARÚK Well, it was two seconds from piercing my heart while I was pinned to the ground when you conveniently arrived. What do you think, witch girl?

MYRTLE Oo-o-oh…oh, I'm so sorry! I—I have a brew that can help, my house isn't far from here.

TARÚK We should be on our way, not breaking bread with a witch!

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt.]

TARÚK Wait, where are you going Elvan?

IRIKLAS I don't know about you, but I have sensitive skin, Orc. Incanters were well revered and respected in my kingdom. They are mostly harmless. Now, I'm going to take the little woman's cure. You are all free to join me.

MYRTLE You need somewhere to stay for the night, I imagine. You are all free to sleep in my shack or by my garden. There's plenty of food—and pipe-weed.

JENQUO Oh yes! Please!

[SFX: Another set of footsteps.]

TARÚK Are you all mad?

BRI Tarúk, this is the first magicked person we've met that isn't a Sorseer. I need to talk to her.

CALAN I'm going, too.

[SFX: Sword sheathes, more footsteps fall in line.]

MYRTLE This way, please.

[SFX: Last sword sheathes.]

TARÚK If you do any of us harm, you will wish you didn't call your monster off me.


[SFX: Fireplace crackles, crickets in distance.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) Within the rotting wood of an abandoned house, the Halfin Incanter Myrtle has made her home—walls stacked to her height with herbs, books, insects, and jars of precious ingredients for her unique magic.

[SFX: Tea kettle whistle, footsteps on wood, metal clinking.]

MYRTLE It's ready. I've put special herbs in this tea.

[SFX: Tea pouring.]

MYRTLE It will help with the itching, and it will fend off some predators. Careful, it's hot!

[SFX: Sipping and slurping.]

JENQUO Hm, it actually is not terrible.

[SFX: More pouring.]

IRIKLAS Maybe a little honey next time. It tastes a little funny.

CALAN I, uh—

TARÚK Go ahead, boy, I watched her brew it.

[SFX: More footsteps and pouring.]

BRI Thank you.

[SFX: More sipping.]

TARÚK But that does not mean I will partake from you, Witch.

[SFX: Wooden creaking.]

MYRTLE Where are you all going?


BRI I've never met a Halfin that looks or speaks the way you do.

[SFX: Tea pouring.]

MYRTLE Not all small folk come from land, others come from little islands out in the sea. Halfins are only safe in numbers.

TARÚK Except you. I wonder why that is?

[SFX: Tea sipping, fireplace crackling.]

MYRTLE Aye, I live alone. Sometimes the sick come find me to be cured.

BRI You can—CURE people?

MYRTLE S-sometimes. Duinna, the Guardian of Nature, gives Incanters the ability to use living energy. From all sorts of things. Plants, animals, living and um—also dead.

IRIKLAS (Sipping, satisfied noise)

MYRTLE We use them in our alchemy, our enchantments. Old Kuma out there has the energy of a friend that I uh—um—couldn't save.

JENQUO Your friend is in the tree?

[SFX: More sipping.]

MYRTLE No, no, just his energy. He was brave, and now so is Kuma. He was protective of me, and so is Kuma. It's his energy. Good energy. That is enchantment. Bad energy, that's—

TARÚK For curses.

IRIKLAS (Satisfied noise)

JENQUO I feel like I am missing something.

TARÚK It was their alchemy that started the Night's Plague. A curse. A disease. Both. Curing our itching skin won't redeem the suffering and death your magic has brought to this world, and will continue to bring.

BRI (Slight sigh) If you'll please excuse me.

[SFX: Chair scraping, rustling movement, glass tinkling.]

MYRTLE Oh, be careful.

[SFX: Footsteps on wood.]

BRI I'm fine.

[SFX: Wooden door creaking shut.]


[SFX: Morning birdsong, bedsheets rustling.]

BRI (Waking sounds) (Yawning)

[SFX: Soft barefoot steps on wood, wooden door creaking open, meat sizzling on frying pan.]

BRI Oh! Something smells good.

MYRTLE Ah, that would be the venison your Orc hunted, and some eggs. They already ate, he’s outside training with your boyfriend—

BRI (Wearily) Oi, he's not my boyfriend.

MYRTLE Well, he seemed—oh, so sorry.

[SFX: Spatula scraping, plates and utensils gently clanking.]

MYRTLE Here, have a seat, have some breakfast. I cooked and seasoned it myself.

[SFX: Chair scraping, footsteps puttering around kitchen, plate settling on table.]

JENQUO (Yawning) And I watched to make sure she didn't put a curse or something on the food.

BRI (Chewing sounds) It's good! Mmm!

IRIKLAS (Cracking up a little, out of it) And we…may have also smoked with her outside.

[SFX: Chair creaks and scrapes.]

JENQUO (Laughing)

IRIKLAS (Laughing) This pipe is so tiny. This fork, too. Am I…am I a giant among these people?

MYRTLE Where are you going?

BRI If you don't mind, I wanted to eat outside.

[SFX: Footsteps on grass, birdsong, insects buzzing.]

BRI When did you discover your power?

MYRTLE As a young lass, of course. That's when it always seems to happen, doesn't it? You get your monthlies, you start filling out your bodice, blushing when you talk to the neighbourhood boy…And then, one day, you're crying your eyes out to your mum because your dearest pet bunny Rufus died, only not for long because he's come back still half-eaten and muddy from the little grave you dug in the garden because you wanted him so badly to come back, and didn't know you could do that, and now you have to watch him die twice but this time by rolling pin because mum is not HAVING IT.

BRI (Laughing) I thought I had a rude awakening.

MYRTLE I just thought I was a really good gardener…wait, you too?

[SFX: Plate clatters.]

BRI Could I tell you something? Rather, show you.

MYRTLE Please do! Or I'll just keep gabbing. Forgive me, I haven't had company in a long time.

BRI I don't know why, but I feel I could trust you.

[SFX: Flame ignites, whooshing and crackling.]

MYRTLE Good gods! How did you do that?

BRI I don't know how.

MYRTLE I've seen quite a bit, some by my own hand, but I've never seen anything like that.

BRI You haven't? Have you ever read about it, at least?

[Music: "Bri’s Theme" (soft, plaintive music) starts.]

MYRTLE You poor dear. Oh, it's scary at first, isn't it?

BRI I've nearly killed so many people already.

[SFX: More footsteps, hand plunging in dirt, smoke whooshing.]

BRI It's not life giving. It consumes. 

MYRTLE Remember the bit about the plague?

BRI But you didn't do that yourself.

MYRTLE I know what you're feeling. You need a little schooling. I want to pitch in, but I don't know how. My God is not yours. If yours is still…I'm so sorry.

BRI That's all right. Thank you for letting me share, at least.

MYRTLE Of course.

[SFX: Another set of footsteps on dirt.]

TARÚK We are leaving now.

[SFX: Bang on wooden door.]


[Music: "Bri’s Theme" ends.]

BRI Thank you, um—I didn’t get your name.

MYRTLE Myrtle. Myrtle Dandyfoot.

[SFX: More footsteps on dirt.]

BRI Thank you, Myrtle. After we get to Bellar, I may return here. If you really can conjure special cures.

MYRTLE You’re welcome. Um…good luck!

TARÚK Come, you three.

[SFX: Beat, birdsong, insects buzzing.]

MYRTLE Bellar…Bellar…

[SFX: Drawer scraping, papers rustling, map unfurling.]

MYRTLE From where I am the fastest way is through the…The Maaka Mountains! Oh, Mother of Buri.


[SFX: Rainfall.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) As the Voyagers leave Myrtle's forest shack behind them, Bri looks over her shoulder, watching it grow smaller as she goes further, hoping that she will see it ahead of her path again someday. The party takes to paths of stone between the mountains, becoming a narrow trail before a dark abyss below.

[SFX: Rain falls harder, thunder rumbles, wet footsteps slipping on rock, pebbles falling, scrambling noises.]

BRI (Cries out)

CALAN Bri! Are you okay?  

BRI I'm fine.

TARÚK Dwarf, what lies ahead?

JENQUO More cold and wetness. Also, if my eyes don't deceive me, the road leads on, but there is a dark crevice where we can make camp for the night.

IRIKLAS I'll take it over this rain.

[SFX: Shuffling footsteps on stone.]

BRI Come on, we're all tired. 

TARÚK Very well, we could all do with sleep.

[SFX: Rainfall fading into distance, bats squeaking, wings flapping.]

BRI (Yelps)

CALAN Whoa! (Laughs)

[SFX: Packs rustle on floor, clothes shuffling, distant cave dripping, voices echoing off walls.]

JENQUO You spoke of this thing, this Night's Plague. What is that?

BRI How could you not know what the Night's Plague is?

IRIKLAS You'll have to excuse him. The Dwarves never had the misfortune.

BRI It's been a while since Old Bea told me the story. In the early days of the Wynland Kingdom, before King Ardrun, the Wyns went to war with Bauk, the Mountain Men.


[Music: "The Night’s Plague" (tragic, foreboding music) starts.]

BRI Oh? Territory dispute, bad blood, or some other damned thing. Let me finish. The Mountain Men were losing.

[SFX: Thunder rumbles, rain still pouring outside, water dripping and echoing inside.]

BRI So they turned to their magicked folk. They had no Magnirs or Sorseers like other Kingdoms. They prayed only to Duinna, and only had the Incanters, who until then did not fight. All they ever did was learn, count, make potions, and speak funny phrases. So they all came together, with all their knowledge and books, all they knew about pestilence and dark magic, and made a thing. Not a curse, not a plague, but both, so they could weaken their enemy. This plague would kill the sorry soul that got sick, but the body would rise again from beyond the grave. Pale, hunched, hairless, long nails and teeth, with ravenous thirst for blood.

CALAN But the Incanters were clever, so they made the curse so that these Undead not walk in daylight, so that the Mountain Men could move their army in day. They were made with a weakness for wood and silver—things the Wyns didn't fight with. The Night's Plague started in Wynland like they hoped, but it spread back to their home, and to Gathland. The whole bloody continent, shrouded in five years of war with the Undead. Lots of heroic songs and stories stemmed from that time.

BRI And grim ones.

[Music: "The Night’s Plague" ends.]

IRIKLAS Our traders got it and spread it to Hymerthral and to the East.

CALAN In Gathland, Incanters have to burn their books, nor are they allowed to group together for fear they'll get up to something.

[SFX: More thunder.]

TARÚK I'm going to sleep.


[SFX: Snoring noises, distant thunder still rumbling, footsteps on gravel.]

BRI (Huffs) Great. 


BRI Please don't ask me if I'm okay.

CALAN You're not. Come on. You managed to live this long without burning down Finn's inn.

BRI Aye, that was before the calling. Just let me…let me just sleep away from all of you. It's safer—

TARÚK Both of you, keep your voices down.

IRIKLAS Yes, it's a miracle something hasn't come to shut all of you up by now.

[SFX: Distant rocks falling.]

JENQUO Is that…something?

TARÚK To arms!

[SFX: Clothing swooshes, feet planting, blades unsheathe, spear whooshing, arrow nocking.]

TARÚK Calan, your sword!

[SFX: Footsteps on gravel, distant water drip echoing off walls.]

BRI Is it gone?

CALAN Come out so we may face you!

BRI Oh bollocks, why did you say that?

[SFX: Strange gibbering noises.]

JENQUO Get behind my spear!

TARÚK Bri, some light.

[Music: "Blood Drinkers" (intense, eerie action music) starts.]

[SFX: Fire ignites, creatures howl and hiss.]


TARÚK Wood kills them faster! Don’t let them take you!

CALAN Don't get bitten!

[SFX: Weapons brandishing, battle cries, creatures snarl and jeer, stabbing and whooshing through air.]

CALAN Die, you foul things!

[SFX: Hacking and slashing.]

UNDEAD #1 (Hissing)

IRIKLAS (Punctuating each word with a dagger swish) Why! Didn't! I! Bring! A sword!

UNDEAD #2 (Gibbering)

BRI Let go of me, you—!

UNDEAD #2 (Sinister laugh)

BRI (Cries out)

TARÚK Don't let it bite!

[SFX: Fire igniting and whooshing.]


UNDEAD #2 (Screams)

BRI Not the warmth you were hoping for, beast!?

CALAN Yes! Die you beasts! (Grunts, then laughs)

TARÚK Get over here, boy! There's too many!

[SFX: Punching impact.]

CALAN (Cries out)

IRIKLAS We have to leave!

JENQUO Agreed!

TARÚK The path outside is too small! They'll push us to our deaths!

[SFX: More slashing and punching, creatures gibbering.]

BRI (Grunts)

CALAN (Cries out)

[SFX: Sword clangs on floor.]

BRI Calan!?

CALAN They've got me!

TARÚK I'm coming! (Grunts)

IRIKLAS The boy is surrounded and we are as well!

[SFX: Fanged bite sinking into flesh, sickening crunch.]

CALAN (Cries out)


[Music: "Blood Drinkers" ends.]


[Music: "Main Title" starts.]

[Music: "Main Title" ends.]

[Music: "End Credits" (rustic percussive music) starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Starring Bonnie Bogovich, Stephen Cumberworth, Jacob Williamson, Corey Borchers, Hayden Ashley, Abigail Turner, Xathian,  and Gary Gibbs the Second. For the full cast list, please visit This podcast was written and produced by Kurt Cañez. With music by Adam Halpin, with additional tracks by Stephen Cumberworth. Both can be found on Bandcamp. Additional audio editing by Sasha Blore. Read the podcast description and follow us on our pages of media. Send a bird bearing the hashtag COTF Podcast. Leave us a review on iTunes. Although the greatest way to support the show is to become a patron of ours on our Patreon page so that we may maintain our production. Five dollar and above listeners get exclusive content such as music tracks by Adam Halpin and extended episodes. Gather around in two weeks for the next installment of our play. To ask us about sponsorship, send us an electronic letter to This has been a Rubbish Log Production. I am your narrator, George Hoctor. We thank you all for listening.

[Music: "End Credits" ends.]