Chapter 5: Song of Heroes (Part 1 of 2) Transcript


[Music: "Main Title" (triumphant orchestral music) starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Chapter Five: Song of Heroes. Part One of Two.

[Music: "Main Title" ends.]


[Music: "Wynhold" (majestic, hopeful music) starts.]

[SFX: Distant birdsong, papers wafting, candle flame flickering, quill scraping across paper.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) Miles North-East of Bellar, before the port where our Voyagers first gathered, stands the Council Tower of Wynhold. From the East comes a cold breeze, blown through the window of the tower, threatening to blow out the candlelit flame before Villadius’ table as he sits hunched over his quill and paper, thinking, despairing. 

[SFX: Wooden door creaks open, footsteps on tile, keys jangle.]

[Music: "Wynhold" ends.]

TAMA Lord Magnir Villadius.

VILLADIUS Yes, Tama, what is it?

 TAMA Your ship is prepared and leaving on the morrow.

VILLADIUS Good. I will be there.

[SFX: Quill scraping across paper.]

VILLADIUS To the Senator Hariklas of Imperata: Long-time worshippers of Rhuadu the Chieftan of Gods, I implore you resist and reject the leadership of the conqueror—no—the usurper Neradial. You have the strongest army, the finest ships. There are many who despise the Usurper. An act of rebellion would be joined with like-minded lands in the Elvan country, and Hymerthral as well— (Sigh, then groan)

[SFX: Paper crumpled up, then thrown.]

VILLADIUS Oh, dier kellene! How am I supposed to convince the Imperatans to resist Neradial? I can't even convince my own King.

ULTOVÍN You don't.

[SFX: Wooden chair scrape, paper rustling.]

VILLADIUS Ultovín. No, don't pick up that letter—

ULTOVÍN "An act of rebellion would be joined with like-minded lands in the Elvan country."

VILLADIUS You sound ghastly, Ultovín. What happened to your voice? You have been soul projecting too much—

[SFX: Paper tears.]

ULTOVÍN Villadius, have our lands not suffered enough?

VILLADIUS Yes, they have. Neradial saw to that when she killed Admiral Belius and destroyed his fleet, and invaded her own country to seize the throne!

[Music: "The Master Sorseer" starts.]

[SFX: Footsteps on tile.]

ULTOVÍN Would you expect any less of us? Who lived under the rule of hypocrites, who used her, betrayed me, and cast us out. You, the Magnir, who determine what is right, and what is sin. No more. Now, like the conquerors of old we have risen, and our judgement shall be law. You would see the world suffer to stop that. Blood for blood, and round and round these conflicts go.

VILLADIUS Better to die than to suffer our lands, all lands, to serve the Deep God.

ULTOVÍN When you return to the homeland, Villadius, and you step amongst our people, ask yourself: which of our Gods would see more lives given to their cause?

[SFX: Footsteps on tile, wooden door creaks shut.]

[Music: "The Master Sorseer" ends.]


[Music: "The Phoenix" (wild flute music) starts.]

[SFX: Distant birdsong, carriage wheels rumbling on road.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) The wooden wheels of a carriage lull our voyagers into slumber, and so too does it wake them. Further west, past the grassy Halfin farm country, to forests bordering Human lands outside of Bellar. Towering bark adorned with moss, a backdrop to a number of romantic stories of knights and maidens, thieves and sheriffs, of adventurers and monsters.

[SFX: Match strikes, pipe lights, smoke inhale.]

BRI Have any of us actually been this far South? To Bellar?

[SFX: Distant coughing.]

CALAN My family has. My father who fought with the Knights of the Burning Sword quested from here to Bauk. Oh, not me though. Taruk?

TARÚK Only their shores. Even their fish taste of their pompous culture.

JENQUO Neither of us.

IRIKLAS Good wines, though.

[Music: "The Phoenix" ends.]

BRI Hmm. Myrtle?

MYRTLE Oh, I—um—I've never been outside Buri. The Makka Mountains was the furthest I've ever been.

BRI So we're all strangers here. Grand.

IRIKLAS A new experience for all of us, I say.

TARÚK I could do with less experiences with you.

FARMER Woah, Jessabelle.

[SFX: Horse knickers.]

FARMER This is the end of the road for me. The City of Bellar is four days away on foot. You five best get on your way.

[SFX: Footfall on gravel.]

JENQUO Will do.

MYRTLE I think you've miscounted.

FARMER Oh, sorry, you five and a half.

MYRTLE Thank you, I—what?

[SFX: Wagon rolls away.]

TARÚK It's a long road ahead. Let's have a meal at this tavern.

BRI So glad we're not bundled together in that wagon anymore. Finally, time to be alone—

CALAN Bri, can we talk?

BRI Oh…sure.

CALAN It's been two days since the cave.

BRI You were delirious. I understand completely if you acted without—

CALAN What happened wasn't an accident.

BRI …You acted on purpose?

CALAN Yes, because I—I-I love you, Bri.

[SFX: Beat.]

CALAN …Well?

BRI Well what? How am I—? Calan. No, no, Calan. but I don't. I never. You've always been a friend to me, I never saw you as a—

CALAN The same way I saw you?

 BRI No. I only let you kiss me because—I thought it was the end for you.

CALAN "Let you" kiss me?

BRI It was a mistake. Is…is this why you chose to leave Gathland with me?

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt.]

BRI Damn. It's best we forget it happened and go in with the others.

CALAN But it did happen. Is it because I'm not good enough?

BRI Calan, no. We are not talking about this. Not now.

CALAN Then when? Never?

BRI Please just come inside. Just come inside and forget this.

[SFX: More footsteps.]


[SFX: Wooden door creaking open and shut, footsteps on wood, whispering and coughing, clinking of glasses.]

BRI You're all still at the door? Is there a reason everyone's quiet? Is it because of us?

TARÚK No. They haven't paid us any notice.

MYRTLE Oh my, this place is grim.

JENQUO A tavern this full ought to be full of cheer.

BRI Well, full of noise, at least.

IRIKLAS There's something amiss here.

BARKEEP May I help you, sirs and madams?

BRI Aye, we have some coin.

IRIKLAS We seek nourishment before our long journey. We'll be on our way after.

[SFX: Chairs scraping, hearth fire crackling.]

BARKEEP Well, take a seat, I'll get to you.

BRI Excuse me, can you tell me why there are no songs and why everyone is so quiet?

BARKEEP You don't know do you? We don't talk about—

BRI Have a seat with us. Your feet must be hurt. Trust me, I know.

BARKEEP Okay then.

[SFX: Chair creaking, glasses clinking, food chewing.]

BARKEEP We do not play our music, nor do we speak or celebrate loudly. Because, um…there is a beast, that lives near—

CALAN A beast?

BARKEEP Oui, some kind. Last time we played a song in the evening, it ripped down our door and killed nearly every one of our patrons. Killed the last Innkeeper.

IRIKLAS Well, that silences even the song in my heart.

TARÚK What form did it take?

[SFX: Wooden chair scrapes.]

BARKEEP I don't know. Shaped like a man, but bigger, much, much bigger. Like three men stacked on one another. Full of black hair. The earth shakes with his movement.

TARÚK A Jotun. What you call a giant.

MYRTLE (Squeaking) A giant?

TARÚK Yes. Very unfortunate. Is that bacon I smell?

CALAN Well, where is this beast?

BARKEEP Oh, I—I don't know. Many have tried looking, few came back.


[SFX: Wooden chair scrapes.]

BRI What are you doing?

IRIKLAS Whoa, what are you—no, no, get off the—don't you dare—!

[SFX: Footsteps on table, glasses clinking.]

JENQUO How much to bring back a giant's head?

IRIKLAS Oh Gods, so embarrassing…

BARKEEP Well, you do look mighty, especially your hooded friend.

TARÚK (Grumbles)

BARKEEP If you can manage to keep the fighting away from the tavern, and as long as you don't trail blood on my nice wooden floor, then oui, I'm willing to expense a silver to each of you. And the finest food and drink.

[SFX: Footsteps on wood, scraping.]

JENQUO Not a drop of blood will offend your floor, madam.

[SFX: Tankards clinking, ale sipping, food chewing and crunching.]

BRI Jenquo, have you gone mad?

IRIKLAS Indeed, another quest?

JENQUO Only a detour. A quest on the side. Additional fortune. It will only take an hour.

TARÚK (Bursts into laughter) An hour? Dwarf, have you ever killed a Giant in your life?


CALAN But you've killed giants before. Haven't you, Taruk? Is it true Orcs hunt Giants for sport?

TARÚK It's a rite of passage, yes.

BRI We have just enough coin for one meal.

JENQUO Leaving us broke.

BRI We're paying for our meal, and moving on. No giant hunt.

CALAN Actually, slaying a giant sounds like a good adventure.

BRI What?

[SFX: Tankard scraping.]

IRIKLAS (Loud chugging)

TARÚK It's boring and dangerous. It could take days to track, and our party is too large—

IRIKLAS (Satisfied sigh, burp)

TARÚK —And loud.

IRIKLAS Oh, excuse me.

JENQUO Then I will go with the boy. Will you join me in my quest, Calan of Gathland?

CALAN I shall!

JENQUO Excellent!

BARKEEP It has been an awful time being silent for this monster. The moment he dies I am inviting bards from all around and we shall celebrate for weeks!

BRI Calan. A word.

[SFX: Wooden chairs scraping, footsteps on wood.]

TARÚK (Mumbling) All I wanted to do was sit here, have bacon and a drink, and the little Dwarf wants to kill a giant. Small dog syndrome, if you ask me.

BRI What are you doing?

CALAN What does it matter to you, Bri?

BRI You're my friend, of course it matters what you do. Drop it, please.

[SFX: Wooden chair scrapes loudly.]

TARÚK FINE. Let's get this over with.

[SFX: Sword scabbard clinking.]

TARÚK (Mumbling) Ohh, Jotun, it’ll be easy, with the Orc and…

CALAN Uh, rope?

TARÚK If you want to do it the easy way.

BRI Rope, please.


[SFX: Distant birdsong.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) Our Voyagers, pulled along by the headstrong Jenquo, under the guidance of Taruk, venture into the forest. Until they come across a great ravine before the mountains, a dark passage between the forest, laden with bones, empty clothes, and a dog-like stench.

[SFX: Footsteps on grass.]

BRI Well, it must be here.

IRIKLAS Do you, uh, think it's inside right now?

TARÚK Maybe. We will have to look.

MYRTLE Whoever goes in there will have to be extra quiet, and careful.

TARÚK Yes, you will be.

MYRTLE I what?

TARÚK You smell different from us, you're puny, and giants have poor vision. You will be perfect.

MYRTLE I couldn't possibly! I mean, last time, I had Kuma, and incantations to protect from the Undead—

IRIKLAS You will do fine! Yelp if you need us.

TARÚK Make note of its size, and if it is sleeping.

BRI If it's asleep, we won't need a trap.

TARÚK We should set the trap all the same. A contraption to trap its leg, reduce its mobility.

BRI You mean a leg snare. I set some for rabbits when food supply was low.

TARÚK Indeed. I fill find us a heavy log.

JENQUO I am not familiar with this trap.

TARÚK We shall lay a capable stick there at the mouth of the ravine between those rocks, noose below it. When the beast trips it, nothing will hold the log and it will fall, pulling the noose around its leg.

BRI Will that hold it?

TARÚK No. We'll need to kill it quickly. Use your spear, Dwarf.

[SFX: Spear swishing.]

JENQUO The glory shall be mine.

CALAN It won't be a fair fight.

BRI I'm sure the patrons of that inn didn't get a fair fight either.

TARÚK No matter what, we cannot let it have full mobility. With both of its legs, we are at a disadvantage.


[SFX: Footsteps squelching in mud.]

MYRTLE (Shaky breathing)

[SFX: Footsteps on dry dirt, bones crunching, loud snap.]


[SFX: Low rumbling growl, then silence.]

MYRTLE (Whimpering)

[SFX: More bones crunching, then another snap, loud rattling and rolling.]

MYRTLE (Panicked squeak) Oh my…

[SFX: Rumbling growl remains rhythmic, just a snore.]

MYRTLE It's asleep. Oh, thank goodness.

[SFX: More snapping and crackling.]

MYRTLE (Losing balance) Oh, no, no!

[SFX: Bones rattle, loud crash.]


GIANT (Roars awake)


[SFX: Small footsteps running on crunching bones, while giant footsteps boom behind.]

MYRTLE A crevice!

[SFX: Slamming and scrabbling against stone, rocks falling.]


JENQUO (Battle cry)

[SFX: Stabbing impact.]

GIANT (Roars)

JENQUO I have you, Halfin girl!

[SFX: Running footsteps on gravel.]

IRIKLAS I said go for the eye! Not the back!

[SFX: Arrows whooshing, blades swishing, flame blazing.]

TARÚK Bri, your flames are no use here!

BRI I'm not standing idly by!

[SFX: Giant footsteps on gravel.]

IRIKLAS All right, let's make it into a Cyclops. HYA!

[SFX: Blade ringing and stabbing.]

GIANT (Groans)

BRI His eye!

CALAN Well struck!

GIANT (Roars)

JENQUO Great! Now I must take my spear back and aim for its throat!

TARÚK No! Stay back! Do not—!

[SFX: More running footsteps.]

JENQUO Achi-wo! It won't come out! It's buried too deep! (Groans)

GIANT (Groaning)

[SFX: Stomping and thrashing.]

MYRTLE Jenquo, look out!

IRIKLAS JENQUO! Put him down!

BRI It's got him by the arm!

[SFX: Running footsteps on gravel.]

JENQUO My friends! It has me!

[SFX: Slamming against rock, bone snapping.]



[SFX: Dual daggers stabbing rapidly.]

CALAN You'll pay for that!

[SFX: Sword ringing.]

TARÚK Everyone go for the legs!

[SFX: Flames whooshing.]

GIANT (Groaning)

BRI Get back!

CALAN Don't touch her!

[SFX: Sword slashing, ground rumbling with impact.]

TARÚK There, it’s on its knees! BOY! WHAT ARE YOU—?

CALAN (Cries out)

IRIKLAS He's climbing its back!

CALAN Whoa, damn it!

BRI He's trying to wrap the sword around its throat!

IRIKLAS It's standing up!

TARÚK Boy! You're not wearing gloves! You're going to slice your own fingers off!

BRI Calan, DON'T—!

[SFX: Metal slicing, flesh rending, blood gushing.]


[SFX: Small body thuds to ground.]

CALAN (Grunts)

GIANT (Long groan)

[SFX: Giant body collapses, ground shaking, bones rattling.]

CALAN (Whimpering in pain)

JENQUO Well done, boy!

CALAN (Coughs)

[SFX: Footsteps running and splashing through mud.]

BRI What've we done?

MYRTLE Oh my word! Jenquo! His arm—! Oh, this is all my fault! I'm so sorry!

TARÚK Help him.

[SFX: More footsteps.]

TARÚK Let me see your hand.

CALAN Okay…  (Groaning)

TARÚK The good news is you can still grip a sword in your right hand. The bad news is your left fingers are cut from the middle.

BRI You're bleeding. A lot. Bring your hand here.

[SFX: Flame burns and sizzles.]

CALAN (Fights back scream) Thank you, Bri.

BRI You damn fool. I hope you learned your lesson.


[SFX: Running footsteps on gravel.]

IRIKLAS Bri. Put out your flames. Now.

BRI What?

ADWARD Hello in there!

TARÚK They're going to see your powers.

BRI Oh! Give me the water. Quickly.


[SFX: Bottle uncorks, water pours, smoke hisses.]

TARÚK Who approaches!?

[SFX: Armor clanks as footsteps approach.]

ADWARD Sir Adward of Wynhold.

HEINRICH Sir Heinrich of Caerham.

GODWIN And Sir Godwin of Riverbottom.


CALAN Knights.

TARÚK (Simultaneously) Damn.

BRI (Simultaneously) Damn.

[Music: "The Knights" (tense, then triumphant music) starts.]

Scene 7 - Ending Sequence

[Music: "The Knights" ends.]

[Music: "End Credits" starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Starring Bonnie Bogovich, Stephen Cumberworth, Jacob Williamson, Corey Borchers, Hayden Ashley, Abigail Turner, Xathian, and Gary Gibbs the Second. For the full cast list, please visit This podcast was written and produced by Kurt Cañez. With music by Adam Halpin, with additional tracks by Stephen Cumberworth. Both can be found on Bandcamp. Additional audio editing by Sasha Blore. Read the podcast description and follow us on our pages of media. Send a bird bearing the hashtag COTF Podcast. Leave us a review on iTunes. Although the greatest way to support the show is to become a patron of ours on our Patreon page so that we may maintain our production. Five dollar and above listeners get exclusive content such as music tracks by Adam Halpin and extended episodes. Gather around in two weeks for the next installment of our play. To ask us about sponsorship, send us an electronic letter to This has been a Magnir Production. I am your narrator, George Hoctor. We thank you all for listening.

[Music: "End Credits" ends.]