Chapter 7: A Dragon’s Gift (Part 2 of 2) Transcript


[Music: "Main Title" (triumphant orchestral music) starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Chapter Seven: A Dragon’s Gift, Part Two of Two.

[Music: "Main Title" ends.]


NARRATOR (Voiceover) The rows of candles filling the great Magnir Temple of Bellar flutter in the cold autumn night, the chill snuffing out one after another, dimming the sacred place of the once great Chieftan of Gods as his chosen Magnir servants pace, and think, and hunch over old paper and dust.

[SFX: Chair creaking, wooden door whining open.]

VILLADIUS What have I done?

[SFX: Footsteps on tile.]

GUARIN Lord Magnir, we have received a parcel, news of your homeland.

VILLADIUS Bring it here.

[SFX: Paper rustling, more chair creaking.]

GUARIN It has the seal of Imperata.



VILLADIUS They have bent the knee to the Dark Bride. This means that Drythal is the last Elvan land left for her to take, before—

GUARIN Before the Elvan lands are united…under her.

VILLADIUS And then she'll come, with her conquest. (Sighs) Can you hand me that cushion, please?

GUARIN Er, very well.

VILLADIUS Thank you.

[SFX: Pillow cloth rustling.]

VILLADIUS (Screams into pillow)

GUARIN I know. I know.

VILLADIUS (Deep breath)

GUARIN Which is why I have a plan.

VILLADIUS (Sighs) What plan?

GUARIN The King of Bellar and Masun of Wynhold are pooling our resources and knights in combating the fanatics of the Deep God. We will use their agents to find the girl and return her to us. 

VILLADIUS …Against her will?

GUARIN What of it?

VILLADIUS No. I—we—we can't.

GUARIN It is our right. It is the future of our order we must protect. An order she was born to serve as we see fit. I said it before, with her under our control, we have everything to gain. The influence of her magic alone—

[SFX: Wooden door creaking open, footsteps rushing on tile.]

GUARD #1 My Magnir—

GUARIN It is not a total loss. With her, we were able to lure Sorseer Courant from hiding.

VILLADIUS Well, hopefully we will get something out of—

GUARIN Sorry, what is it?

GUARD #1 My Magnir, the prisoner, Courant—

GUARIN Yes? What of him?

GUARD #1 He's gone.


[SFX: Cicadas singing, footsteps on dirt, stream burbling.]

IRIKLAS Come on, I think I know where we can find a port to Buri. Our ship is waiting.

JENQUO No, it isn't.

IRIKLAS Come again?

JENQUO It's just a ship. When we get there, it'll just be us. Nobody will be waiting for us where we go after, either. We just…keep on living.

IRIKLAS On second thought, we should go back and get some Bellish wine, if this is to be the topic of tonight.

JENQUO Iriklas, do you know what the sea lady sung to me?

IRIKLAS Sea-woman? Oh, the Nixie. What did she say?

JENQUO I don't want to think about it, but the lady was right about what I really wanted. That is how she got me. And I…don't think we should go back.


JENQUO No, we should find the girl, and the Orc.

IRIKLAS Oh, daresansee navaa, you caught feelings! Jenquo, what do I always tell you?

JENQUO It does not apply here.

IRIKLAS We are not charitable! We make gold, and then we move on. The only one looking after your interests in this world is you.

JENQUO To make more gold. For what, Iriklas?

IRIKLAS For—for, you little—so we can keep on living! What in the hells are you even trying to say, you silly half-man?

JENQUO Family! Not blood, but by tribe. Family is living, Iriklas. Neither of us have one. The girl didn't have one, nor the Orc. The boy, well, he chose his. But that, I see, is what I want to keep together, to do.

IRIKLAS (Softly) Am I not family enough for you? My brother from another, much shorter mother?

JENQUO You are closer to me than my own kin. Which is how I know—you miss them, too.

IRIKLAS Families are difficult, too. More problems. Smaller shares. And more rationing.

COURANT I can help with that.

[SFX: Bow string nocks.]

[Music: "Courant" (dark and mysterious music) starts.]

JENQUO The Sorseer!?

IRIKLAS Aren't you supposed to be in prison? Where'd you get that crossbow!?

COURANT No cage can contain the will of the Deep God!

JENQUO Wait, are you the Deep God?

COURANT Do not mock me. I am only going to ask this once. Where is the Magnir girl?

IRIKLAS …What will we get if we answer?

JENQUO Iriklas…

COURANT Your life. Just yours. The first one to answer will live. The other will die.

[Music: "Courant" ends.]

[SFX: Beat of silence.]

COURANT Come now. Why so silent? Very well, I will count to three. I will kill one of you. One. Two. Th—

[SFX: Punching impact, arrow whizzing, crossbow clattering to ground.]

TARÚK (Growls)


JENQUO He is choking him.

COURANT (Choking noises)

[SFX: Flesh squeezing.]

TARÚK (Growls)

[SFX: Bone snap, followed by splash in water.]

[SFX: Beat of silence.]

IRIKLAS …I have some questions about what happened.

TARÚK I unlocked his cage, so I could hunt him and kill him.

JENQUO Because…because he swore to his God that he would kill the girl.


JENQUO OH! And you waited until the last second there because you had your bow and arrow trained on him, but did not want to risk him firing his arrow and killing one of us?

 IRIKLAS (Laughing) Don't be silly, he—

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt.]

IRIKLAS Oh my Gods, you're right.

JENQUO He cares about the girl, and us!

IRIKLAS (Laughs) Eh, I wouldn't go that far. He doesn't want to KILL us.

JENQUO You mustn't be too picky. Come. Let us follow him.

IRIKLAS Jenquo, what did I say?

JENQUO What did you say? What did I say? Have you not heard what I said and seen the proof?

IRIKLAS The answer is no, Jenquo! We’re on our own. DON’T give me that look, I’m not in a gaming mood. No, no, no, no, don’t sit down, don’t buckle your stubby little knees and look down. No, no, I’m not looking, I’m not looking. I’m ignoring you. I don’t care.

[SFX: Beat of silence, then footsteps on dirt.]

IRIKLAS …In fact, I’m going. I’m walking now…goodbye, see you at the port!

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt, fading out.]

IRIKLAS (Yelling in distance) See, see me walking? I’m going, I’m going…

[SFX: More silence.]

IRIKLAS (Even more distant) See how far away I’ve walked?

[SFX: Another silence, then footsteps grow closer.]

IRIKLAS (Close again) Ugh, okay, you win, let’s go.

JENQUO Splendid!

[SFX: More footsteps, now together.]

IRIKLAS You’ll be the death of us both, Dwarf.


[Music: "Escape from Nurang" (slowly building menacing choral music) starts.]

[SFX: Gigantic footsteps crunching and scattering gold.]

NURANG (Sniffing)

NARRATOR (Voiceover) The great Dragon Nurang crawls on winged hands over stone and treasure, her long neck low, smelling and tasting the air as she searches for Bri—who lies slumped against a protruding stone, hoping to avoid the blazing eyes of the shining black serpent.

[Music: "Escape from Nurang" ends.]

[SFX: Dragon feet stomping.]

NURANG FOOL! Where did you run off to? You did not leave. I would have seen it.

BRI Because you're blocking the way…

NURANG There was a time when I would never have spilled Magnir blood in my cave nor on any soil, but I care not. For this treachery, girl, I will TASTE your FLESH.

BRI Iriklas and Jenquo? They'd probably try to bribe it, the silly fools…Gods, I wish they were here. Not really, they'd probably die…and I'd give them an earful wherever fools who die to dragons go in the afterlife. And Myrtle?

NURANG Nothing is SACRED to you Gods-forsaken creatures! Not even your own order! Are you frightened? You haven't the slightest COMPREHENSION of what it means to FEAR.

[Music: "Judgement" (tragic choral music) starts.]

NURANG You don't know the pain of waking to the sound of an army marching on your home with ballistas, harpoons, and arrows for the sins of your siblings! For the sport of claiming your BONES.

[SFX: Stony debris shaken loose and falling.]

NURANG I had a thousand names! All of them REVERENT and SACRED! They sought to HUNT me!  

[SFX: Dragon feet stomping, rocks falling.]

BRI (Grunting)

NURANG Sought to CLAIM me!

[SFX: More stomping and rocks falling.]

NURANG All in the same century they sought to DEIFY me! (Bitter laugh) You could NEVER understand my betrayal, little worm! You've never gone from being worshipped to being an "IT"!

[SFX: Biggest stomp and rock impact yet.]

NURANG (Mournful growling)

[SFX: Light footsteps on gold.]

BRI But I have.

[Music: "Judgement" ends.]

NURANG (Growl of alarm)

[SFX: Dragon feet stomping closer and closer, making the ground shake.]

BRI I'm not running. It's what you'd like to see, isn't it? Me cowering before your great and terribleness? I won't. You're afraid, like I am.

[SFX: More stomping, rocks splintering under dragon feet.]

BRI I know how hard it is to ask for trust.

NURANG Then don't bother.

[Music: "Escape from Nurang" starts.]

MYRTLE (Whispering incantation in Sanavran*) Duinna, guardian of life. All deceased, all dead, dark energies that wait sleeping, bring awake and alive. Return to your husks, your bodies, your armor. Restore the spark of hate, of vengeance.

BRI (Gasps)

[SFX: Dragon feet swiping, hitting rock.]

BRI (Grunts) OH, COME ON!

NURANG Be still, go out brave!

BRI I didn't want to hurt you!

MYRTLE Neither do I. But you've hurt so many others.


MYRTLE (Echoing) I have a PLAN! Take heart, it's not going to be pretty. (Chanting in Sanavran*) Duinna, guardian of life. All deceased, all dead, dark energies that wait sleeping, bring awake and alive. Return to your husks, your bodies, your armors. Restore the spark of vengeance!

NURANG Is that little thing a witch? You think you could curse so great a being as I?

[SFX: Bones creak and rattle together.]

SKELETONS (Chant in unison with Myrtle)*

BRI The skeletons, they're—

[SFX: Skeletons moan, bones clatter, dried husks of muscles creak, armor clinks, swords draw.]

MYRTLE Dark energies that wait sleeping, bring awake and alive. Return to your husks, your bodies, your armours. Restore the spark of vengeance!

NURANG But I killed you!

BRI You've killed so many, and they're back.

[SFX: Skeletal feet creaking as they run, limbs rattling as they attack.]

NURANG I'll kill them again! All of you! You will not harm me again!

[SFX: Dragonfire roars, swords clash, bones scatter.]

MYRTLE Run, Bri. (Faintly) I can’t go…

BRI No, no, no, this is no time to faint!

NURANG (Screaming in background) Go away! Die! Die! Die!

BRI I can't let you die because of me! (Grunts)

[SFX: Clothing rustling, footsteps on dirt.]

BRI You're heavier than you look.

MYRTLE (Faintly, out of it) Hi, Bri.

BRI Was that a curse?

Myrtle Yes. Did I—did I do it?


BRI Oh, no.

NURANG You think they stood a greater chance in death than they did in LIFE!?

[SFX: Running footsteps on dirt.]

BRI (Panting)

BRI Hold your breath!

[SFX: Dragon feet stomp.]

NURANG (Roars)

[SFX: Dragonfire roars.]


[Music: "Judgement" ends.]

[SFX: Splash, sound muffled under water, bubbling.]

[SFX: Another splash.]

BRI (Gasping and coughing)

MYRTLE (Gasping and coughing)

[SFX: Splashing in water.]

MYRTLE I can't swim! I can't swim! (Whimpering)

[SFX: Dragon feet stomping on rock.]

NURANG Nowhere left to run, worm.

MYRTLE Bri, are you, um…immune to fire!?

BRI I don't—

[SFX: Metal staff ringing on rock, then swishing through air.]

[Music: "Escape from Nurang" starts.]

ULTOVÍN Return to your treasure hoard, beast of Rhuadu!

MYRTLE Who is that!? In the cloak!

BRI Ultovin!

[SFX: Dragon feet stomp.]

NURANG You DARE stand between the Dragon and her kill!? Then you will BURN—!

[SFX: Dragonfire roars.]


[SFX: Wave of water thundering and crashing down.]

NURANG (Screams) SORSEER! Only thing worse than a Magnir! (Growls)

ULTOVÍN Ease our escape, monster, or I will unleash a volley of ice shards that will blind your other eye.

[Music: "Escape from Nurang" ends.]

[SFX: Dragon feet stomping away.]

NURANG Then run, CURS! See how FAR you get before my fire rekindles!

MYRTLE Dragons hate the water. It gets under her armor and puts out her fires.

BRI Like a cat with its fur coat.

[SFX: Beat.]

BRI Come on, Myrtle! Climb the rock.

[SFX: Water splashes.]

MYRTLE What about the Sorseer?

BRI I'll deal with him!

[SFX: Footsteps wading through water.]


[SFX: Fire ignites.]

ULTOVÍN (Groans)

[Music: "The Deep God" (dark, majestic choral music) starts.]

MYRTLE He's…fallen?

ULTOVÍN (Breathing heavily)

BRI What should we do?

MYRTLE Whatever it is, we need to do it quick!

[Music: "The Deep God" ends.]


[Music: "Main Title" starts.]

[Music: "Main Title" ends.]

[Music: "End Credits" (rustic percussive music) starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Starring Bonnie Bogovich, Stephen Cumberworth, Jacob Williamson, Corey Borchers, Hayden Ashley, Abigail Turner, Xathian, Gary Gibbs the Second and Sarah Ruth Thomas as Nurang. For the full cast list, please visit This chapter was co-written with Nadi Reed Perez. Sanavran speech by Megan Watson. This podcast was written and produced by Kurt Cañez. With music by Adam Halpin, with additional tracks by Stephen Cumberworth, both can be found on Bandcamp. Editing by Kurt Cañez and Sasha Blore. Read the podcast description and follow us on our pages of media. Send a bird bearing the hashtag COTF Podcast. And follow us on Twitter @calloftheflame. Leave us a review on iTunes. Although the greatest way to support the show is to become a patron of ours on our Patreon page so that we may maintain our production. Five dollar and above listeners get exclusive content such as music tracks by Adam Halpin and extended episodes. Gather around in two weeks for the next installment of our play. To ask us about sponsorship, send an electronic letter to And now a message from our playwright.

KURT Hey everybody, it’s Kurt. We’re getting pretty good at these. I think I can do this one unscripted. First of all, it’s been a momentous month for The Call of the Flame. We have 5,000% more patrons than we used to. That’s not an accurate number, we have five patrons now, that’s five more than we had last month, so a special thanks in no particular order to Cassie M, Cloudy Evalage, John Doyle, Jon Winstead, Zane Simon. You guys are the best, thank you so much for contributing to this show. And I hope to deliver more exclusive content to you guys very soon actually, there’ll be inevitable because Chapter Eight is being sent out late, the script. Meaning I’ll have more time to devote to editing outside of the main installments in the show. We’ll be uploading the music tracks for this particular episode because we just ran out of music actually. So, looks like lots of the exclusive content coming soon will be extended episodes based, since we just recorded a lot of extra content. And thank you to everybody who’s been plugging the show on Twitter and talking about it, that’s, that’s the only way we promote the show at the moment. I once did that little Facebook thing with the $10 credit and it was a bust, it was—don’t do that, don’t do that, people, that’s— I, um—I’m anti-sponsoring Facebook right now. You can expect a lot of things coming in the near future, um, one of which I’ll actually give an extra special shoutout to Jonathan Winstead, one of our patrons for. Um, he sent me some art recently via discord, our discord server and yeah, you might be seeing some reducts for the site coming very soon. Thank you, thank you. Take it away, narrator.

NARRATOR This has been a Magnir Production. I am your narrator, George Hoctor. We thank you all for listening.