Chapter 8: Three Strangers (Part 1 of 2) Transcript


[Music: "Main Title" (triumphant orchestral music) starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Chapter Eight: Three Strangers. Part One of Two.

[Music: "Main Title" ends.]


[SFX: Waves lapping, distant dragon stomping.]

ULTOVÍN (Groans)

MYRTLE Bri! We’ve still got a situation with the bloody dragon! (Mumbling) Pardon my language…

BRI I know! Uh…I’m thinking.

[SFX: Wading through water.]

BRI He must have gotten here somehow…listen.

MYRTLE Wood? A boat!? Right here, on the edge of the rock!

BRI Okay then…uh…then help me carry him into it.

MYRTLE What!? Are you sure?

[SFX: Wading and splashing.]

BRI Yes! Now hurry, you get his legs.

MYRTLE Oh boy, here we go…

ULTOVÍN (Groaning)

BRI Don't bother lifting, just pull him!

MYRTLE (Grunting and straining)

BRI (Grunting and straining)

[SFX: Heavy thud against wood.]

ULTOVÍN (Weakly) Ohhh…

BRI Buh! I thought Elvans were light!

[SFX: Footfalls on wood.]

BRI Hop in, we're getting out of here. Hurry! If Nurang comes and finds the Sorseer like this—

MYRTLE (Squeaking) She'll roast us living!

[SFX: Oars scraping, water splashing.]

BRI I've got the oars, can you do something about—

[SFX: Rowing through water.]

MYRTLE No, not a thing! Incanters have no influence in the sea. I can't even talk to the fishes. Only a—

BRI Then what can—

["The Deep God" (dark, majestic choral music) starts.]

ULTOVÍN (Mumbling) Foremuur.

BRI What did he say?

MYRTLE He said…cloud. But I don't know—

BRI A fog! He summoned a fog. Oh, Gods, it's thick! I can't even see where we're—

MYRTLE Aye, good thinking, that!

BRI Shh! Quiet.

[SFX: Dragon stomping in the distance.]

ULTOVÍN Forenann, sazaruun.

[SFX: Water rushing, wooden thudding.]

BRI Aah!

MYRTLE He gave us a push!

ULTOVÍN (Groans)

MYRTLE He's passed out now. He's used a lot of his power.

BRI He needs to breathe. Let's take off that mask.

[SFX: Footsteps on wood, metallic plink.]

MYRTLE Oh! Oh…oh my.

ULTOVÍN (Slight groaning)

MYRTLE …You said he was Elvan?

BRI Aye, I did…

ULTOVÍN (Heavy breathing)

BRI He's got the ears, but his skin is a shade too dark, and he looks—

MYRTLE He's fair, but I see marks of age on those young features. Like he's…

BRI Experienced ten lifetimes in the body of a young man.

MYRTLE Yes. Aptly put. And that mark, on his neck…

BRI Can you read it?

MYRTLE No, it's not Elvan. Doesn't look like anything from this land, that's for sure.

BRI Tie his hands against his back with the rope.

MYRTLE Oh? I mean, I could, but—

BRI You're the one with the oath not to kill, right? If he moves—

[SFX: Blade drawn.]

BRI I will.

MYRTLE Oh, for pity's sake, how did we end up here? He's tried to kill you, and may try again in our company. But on the other hand, it'd be inhuman to push him out into the water while he's out cold like this. Or use that knife of yours.

BRI I shouldn't like doing it, either, but he spent his power trying to save us. That is worth keeping him alive for me to ask why. And if I don't like his answers, I won't hesitate to kill him.

["The Deep God" ends.]

[SFX: Distant dragon stomping.]


[SFX: Birdsong, leaves rustling in the wind, footsteps on dirt.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) The sun pours rich and golden over the woods, shedding themselves of their burden on the road leading out of Bellar and to the North, a path followed by three strangers: the Orcan ranger, and not far behind him the Elvan smuggler, and the Dwarven spearman.

TARÚK (Hums tunelessly)

JENQUO Where do you think he's leading us?

IRIKLAS He's not, he's just trying to tire us out. Daresanse navaa, my poor legs. He's a monster if he feels no fatigue on this road.

JENQUO You can't just walk away, Orc.

TARÚK Get lost, Dwarf. You, too, pretty man.

IRIKLAS Orc, I don't think you are thinking this through. Think of all we could accomplish, just the three of us.

JENQUO Five of us.


JENQUO After we get you, Orc man, we are looking for Bri and Myrtle.

IRIKLAS Oh, not this again.

TARÚK You leave those girls be. And me as well.

IRIKLAS We are! He's just having attachment problems. But there are Orcs to the East, too, you know, in the markets of Aradjar. You won't even need that hood. Think of the jobs on offer. The Elvan, the Dwarf, and the Orc. All the strength and the cunning of ten Human men for only three shares.

TARÚK Strength? Shall we test that?

[SFX: Sword drawn.]

IRIKLAS Whoa, whoa, whoa, put down your steel!

TARÚK Put up yours.

JENQUO Come now, Orc, you don't mean to fight us. We are friends!

TARÚK (Grumbles)

[SFX: Sword sheathes.]

TARÚK We're acquaintances at best.

[SFX: Twig snaps.]

TARÚK Who approaches?

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt.]

SCARLET Are we interrupting your scuffle?

IRIKLAS No scuffle here.

TARÚK Unless you brought one. Come no further.

SCARLET Or what? You move an inch with that sword—

[SFX: Bow strings tighten.]

SCARLET —And my three friends will have put their arrows in you, my snaggle-toothed friend. And your friends, as well, as they retaliate.

TARÚK (Chiding) I let my guard down…

IRIKLAS This one is on you, Orc.

TARÚK (Mumbling, barely audible) Stupid. Dumb Elvan. Stupid dwarf.

JENQUO Yes, you should have been paying attention to the world around you.

TARÚK (Mumbling, barely audible) I should throw one and then the other and then both of them off a cliff. (Normal volume) What will you have us do?

IRIKLAS Where will you take us?

SCARLET Oh, we're not taking you. We're showing you the way. To our King. Only he can grant you welcome to our wood.

[Music: "The Men of Ballads” (enigmatic, slightly playful string music) starts.]

TARÚK What King? This is no Kingdom I'm aware of.

SCARLET This is the Banditwood, and you are being received by the King of Bandits, Robert De Courtney. There, he will hold a trial.

IRIKLAS Okay, then. But I must warn you, I will be sharing my grievances with him.

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt.]

JENQUO A King? A trial? This day is turning out to be an adventure.

TARÚK Temper your excitement, Dwarf. Probably just a pretentious arsehole with an entourage.

[Music: "The Men of Ballads” ends.]


[Music: "The Men of Ballads” starts.]

[SFX: Fireplace crackling, crowd chatter, lots of laughter.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) Blindfolded, surrounded by thieves, the Ranger, the Scoundrel, and the Spearmen are led to shapen stone in the grass. A castle of old age, adorned with vines and flowers veiling a wooden door. And beyond, a great hall lit in the torchlight, walked about by two dozen men and women, the thieving folk.

[Music: "The Men of Ballads” ends.]

[SFX: Footsteps on stone, clinking noise.]

IRIKLAS AH! My foot!

SCARLET Watch yourself.

IRIKLAS I can't! You blindfolded me.

SCARLET Sorry. We are wanted peoples amongst the bordering Kingdoms. Many knights would pay in gold for the way to our hideout. You may remove them.

[SFX: Cloth rustling.]

JENQUO It's not much brighter. See? No more than twenty heads. I can smell wine, ham, and the sweetest smoke from the hall. By the Spider, they are merry.

IRIKLAS Apart from the blindfolds and threats of arrows, they've shown us no harm as of yet. I've been to places with stranger rituals after all. Orc?

TARÚK They think a black cloth will mask their path here from me? I know exactly how we came to be here from our footsteps alone. They'll have to end me if they wish to keep their secrets.

JENQUO Then in that case, with the three of us combined, we can make our escape with you in charge.

TARÚK Dwarf, you need to listen to me for once, and what I say. What you seek, you won't find with me.

JENQUO And where is what you're seeking?

TARÚK In here, maybe. If this trial is what I think it is. Then it will be the end of my long road at last.

JENQUO Whatever do you mean, my grey companion?

[SFX: Footsteps on stone.]

DUNLAUG Scarlet, who are these three?

SCARLET Allies, mayhaps. Corpses, at worst.

JENQUO Orc, it's another Orc!

IRIKLAS Oh, endalan! He's one bald head bigger than you.

DUNLAUG Give me your name, Orc, and your tribe.

TARÚK After you.

DUNLAUG I ask it first.

TARÚK I did not reciprocate.

DUNLAUG (Growls) …Dunlaug the Small, they call me.

JENQUO Oh, because of your short stature.

DUNLAUG I hail from clan Wulflang. And you are?

TARÚK Tarúk of Clan Notyour.

IRIKLAS Take a few steps back…

DUNLAUG Notyour?

TARÚK Not-your-concern, cur.

DUNLAUG (Growls)

TARÚK (Growls)

IRIKLAS (Barely audible) See? Told you.

SCARLET Agh! Curse you Orcs, always looking for a fight! I'm taking them to see Robert. Wait until then to fight, please?

DUNLAUG I'll be watching you, Tarúk of "Notyour".

[SFX: Axe clanking.]

DUNLAUG Give me a reason and I'll bury my axe in your heart.

[SFX: Footsteps on stone., fireplace crackling.]

ROBERT He should not be allowed to return until he has recovered from the pestilence. If the worst should pass, give his wife and children five gold—

SCARLET My King, I bring you three trespassers we encountered in our domain. Bow, you three. You're in the presence of Robert De Courtney, leader of the Men of Ballads, King of Bandits, Thief of the Rich, Benefactor of the Poor, and the Ruler of the Free Wood.

JENQUO Must be exhausting carrying so many names.

IRIKLAS Got a ledger for all those titles? (Laughs)

JENQUO (Laughs)

TARÚK Where's your throne, King?

[SFX: Gasps from the crowd.]

ROBERT Wherever I rest my ass.

[SFX: Crowd laughter.]

JENQUO I like him!

IRIKLAS (Laughs) We're in danger.

ROBERT Odd company. Elvan, Dwarven, and an Orc. Friend of yours, Dunlaug?

DUNLAUG No, or he'd be dead.

TARÚK Test me and see where it leaves you.

DUNLAUG (Growls)

TARÚK (Growls)

IRIKLAS (Whispering) It's like saying hello in Orcish.

JENQUO Nice to meet you, Mister King. Very nice place. Nice people. Nice sword, too.

[SFX: Sword scraping, whooshing.]

ROBERT Oh, Silversong, that's his name. Most beautiful sword I ever laid eyes on. To tell it truthfully, only reason I prefer the bow and arrow is so that I don't have to sully his shiny face with blood. (Laugh)

[SFX: Scattered laughter from the crowd.]


[SFX: Sword whoosh.]

ROBERT What was that?

IRIKLAS Hm? Oh, it's a good sword. Real beauty. But I prefer steel with brains.

ROBERT Very well, then. Show me yours, Elvan.

[SFX: Dual daggers drawn, whooshing rapidly.]

IRIKLAS Your Silversong may have come from far away, but mine came from even farther away to the East. Even their former Master doesn't know where they were born.

ROBERT Perhaps one day we can test our skill on one another.

IRIKLAS Maybe so.

SCARLET When we came upon them, they had weapons drawn on one another, combat ready.

ROBERT Who be you three? Mercenaries? Performers?

JENQUO No, no, we don't kill unless we have to.

IRIKLAS We are Voyagers. All of us.

ROBERT You're far from the sea.

IRIKLAS Oh, yes, we are. We just completed a job and we'll be spending it on a—well—better ship.

SCARLET So you're just…three arseholes?

IRIKLAS …Well, yes.

[SFX: Footfall on dirt, then footsteps.]

ROBERT This is your chance—your chance to become something greater than yourselves, my colourful new friends. All of your wishes are possible in my keep. You see, I don't receive all who trespass onto my wood. Most we mind and grant passage. More fancy folk must pay the toll, as they have tolled us all in life. But able-bodied men such as yourselves, we bring our way, to be given the chance to join us in brotherhood.

JENQUO To join your army? I've been in many armies in my life, I've grown to recognise them. I shouldn't like to join another.

 ROBERT You will not be a soldier in service of a King, Dwarf. Here, you are to live as one! Not bound to the tyranny of lords, to the boot of watchmen, to the mercy of brigands. Tell me, do you think yourselves worthy of my company?

IRIKLAS Oh Gods, YES! This is exactly what we've been looking for!


IRIKLAS Me and my companion work so hard for our earnings, only to have them snatched away so fast.

ROBERT Oh, I can promise you will never grow hungry in my company.

IRIKLAS Finally, we visit a place with fine people and excellent benefits.

ROBERT Yes, and you will never have to worry about coin ever again, for we share our wealth equally.

IRIKLAS And some fine—wait, come again? Did he say we'd have to share our coin?

JENQUO I think he did.

ROBERT It's a small price. Ours is a bond of trust, of friendship. We look after one another, protect one another from harm.

SCARLET They helped my father before he died, and in turn, I help theirs when the need arises.

IRIKLAS Uhhh…I'm having second thoughts.

ROBERT You, Elvan. What is your weapon of choice?

IRIKLAS Twin daggers.

ROBERT Very good. Dwarf, what is your weapon of choice?

JENQUO The spear.

ROBERT You, Orc, what is your weapon of choice?

TARÚK My bow.

ROBERT Hmm. That, I'm afraid, it won't be a fair fight. I am the greatest archer that has ever lived. Er, what is your second weapon of choice?

TARÚK My teeth.

ROBERT (Laughs) That would be entertaining to watch, a contest against those choppers. But uh…also, silly. Are you skilled with a sword?

IRIKLAS Yes, he is.

JENQUO Aye, he's quite impressive. He faced hordes of Undead men and a giant.

ROBERT Very well. Tarúk, will you represent your companions in single combat with me?

TARÚK What if…you die?

ROBERT I won't. I know when I'm defeated, and if I am, I will yield.

TARÚK What if I don't yield?

ROBERT You die, and your friends will have to fare better than you.

TARÚK Then why are we standing here?

ROBERT That is the spirit! (Laughs)

[SFX: Crowd laughter.]

ROBERT Well, gather around. Let us have ourselves a good old fight.

[SFX: Crowd cheers.]


[SFX: Crowd excitement and chanting.]

DUNLAUG Are you all READY!?

[SFX: Swords draw, whooshing.]

IRIKLAS Ooh, his sword is short but quick. And yours is—

TARÚK Long, and iron. It will serve.

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt.]

JENQUO His is shiny. Steel, I think.

 IRIKLAS I've seen you move, Orc, you're fast. But you have to be faster here—

TARÚK If you're so pensive, why not take my place?

[SFX: More chatter and chanting, swords whooshing.]

ROBERT You're far from home, Orc. Let's see where destiny has brought you.

TARÚK (Growls)

[SFX: Swords clash and whoosh, crowd erupts.]

JENQUO He will be all right. He's faced better.

SCARLET Your Orc won't make a move?

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt.]

JENQUO He's testing him.

IRIKLAS They’re testing each other, changing stances, looking for weaknesses.

DUNLAUG Quit dancing, you two, and FIGHT.

TARÚK (Grunts)

[SFX: Blades ring, lunging and clashing.]

ROBERT (Grunts) You're strong and faster than you look.

TARÚK Talking wastes breath.

[SFX: More clashing.]

TARÚK (Growls)

ROBERT (Grunts)

TARÚK (Grunts)

[SFX: Heavy clash.]


[SFX: Crowd cheers.]



JENQUO YES! Wait—who are you rooting for?

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt.]

ROBERT Very good move. Nearly had me there. I've never met an Orc with such finesse.

TARÚK And I have no patience for whelps that hold back their strength!

SPECTATOR #1 Robert! Robert!

[Music: "Robert vs. Tarúk” (tragic percussive music) starts.]

SCARLET Did he just—?

ROBERT Very well.

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt, clashing resumes and intensifies, crowd chanting intently.]


IRIKLAS He's better than he let on.

SCARLET So is your friend. Dunlaug, call it off.



[SFX: Swords ring hard and fast.]

JENQUO The King is gaining the upper hand!

ROBERT (Grunts)

[SFX: Punching impact.]

TARÚK (Groans)

JENQUO Oh, Gods!

ROBERT Yield, you fool!

TARÚK (Growls)

[SFX: Clashing resumes.]


ROBERT (Grunting)

TARÚK (Groans)

[SFX: Sword clatters to ground, body thudding against dirt.]


IRIKLAS You have no weapon!

[Music: "Robert vs. Tarúk” ends.]

[SFX: Crowd hushes and then whispers.]

TARÚK Well then? I am defeated. Finish me off.

IRIKLAS Wait! He lies!

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt.]

IRIKLAS He held back! He's a much better fighter than that.

SCARLET Why? Why would he hold back?

ROBERT I felt your blows softened, Orc. You tell a man not to hold back, and soften your own blows? You wanted to fail. Why?

TARÚK It is no concern of yours why I wish to be rid of life.

ROBERT But is life rid of you? Have you no reason to stay?

TARÚK I do not.

ROBERT Very well.

[SFX: Sword whoosh.]


[SFX: Wooden door creaks open.]

THIEF #1 Robert!

IRIKLAS Oh, thank the Gods.

[SFX: Footsteps running on dirt.]

ROBERT What? What is it?

[SFX: Crowd distress.]

THIEF #2 Barricade the entrance!

THIEF #1 They are coming! They've found us!

THIEF #3 Barricade the entrance!

SCARLET Who? Who has found us?

[SFX: Knock on wooden door.]

[SFX: Crowd panics, then quiets.]

ROBERT Stand back, my friends.

["The Knights" (tense, then triumphant music) starts.]

ROBERT Who approaches at this late hour?

ADWARD Sir Adward of Wynhold.

HEINRICH Sir Heinrich of Caerham.

GODWIN And Sir Godwin of Riverbottom.

IRIKLAS The knights?

JENQUO (Simultaneously) Damn.

TARÚK (Simultaneously) Damn.


[Music: "The Knights" ends.]

[Music: "End Credits" (rustic percussive music) starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Starring Bonnie Bogovich, Stephen Cumberworth, Jacob Williamson, Corey Borchers, Hayden Ashley, Abigail Turner, Xathian, Gary Gibbs the Second and Sarah Ruth Thomas as Nurang. For the full cast list, please visit This chapter was co-written with Nadia Peterson. Sanavran speech by Megan Watson. This podcast was written and produced by Kurt Cañez. With music by Adam Halpin, with additional tracks by Stephen Cumberworth, both can be found on Bandcamp. Editing by Kurt Cañez and Sasha Blore. Read the podcast description and follow us on our pages of media. Send a bird bearing the hashtag COTF Podcast. And follow us on Twitter @calloftheflame. Leave us a review on iTunes. Although the greatest way to support the show is to become a patron of ours on our Patreon page so that we may maintain our production. Five dollar and above listeners get exclusive content such as music tracks by Adam Halpin and extended episodes. Special thank you to our patrons: Ben Blair, Cassie M, Cloudy Evalage, John Doyle, Jon Winstead, Ryan Cushman, Zane Simmon. Gather around in two weeks for the next installment of our play. To ask us about sponsorship, send an electronic letter to And now a word from our sponsors.


NARRATOR And now a message from our playwright.

KURT Hello everybody, it’s your playwright. A big part of a lot of the delays for this particular episode were just apartment hunting and looking around for different places where I could go. And now that the excitement is over and I’ve found a place, I can focus almost entirely on this. Expect a casting call very soon for Chapter Nine. This one may be covered by another new writer, I’m gonna try to do that a lot more often now. Now that we’ve got a broad and very talented cast and crew, which you can join and talk to on our discord, or by becoming a patron on our Patreon page. That was totally organic, I nailed that one. So yeah, one dollar tier gets the discord, $4.50 tier gets the extended episodes and music tracks by Adam Halpin. Also, we have been chosen to participate in the Hear Now festival. We are platinum rated and it’lll be taking place early June. June 6th, I believe, I’ll have to check that out. There will be updates posted on Twitter and Facebook so I don’t have to check and stop recording right now to check for you. What I’m really impressed by is that even in the long delay between episodes, there is still chat on Twitter, a lot of plugs, and thank you so much for that, for keeping the buzz alive even though I have absence and struggles. So yeah, next one’s coming very soon, it’s already been recorded and chopped together. The season or book as I call it will be eleven chapters, eleven chapters long, and I hope to see you all by the end of that. Hey, thanks.

NARRATOR This has been a Magnir Production. I am your narrator, George Hoctor. We thank you all for listening.