Chapter 8: Three Strangers (Part 2 of 2) Transcript


[Music: "Main Title" (triumphant orchestral music) starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Chapter Eight: Three Strangers. Part Two of Two.

[Music: "Main Title" ends.]


[SFX: Waves rolling, oars rowing.]

[Music: "Escape from Nurang" (slowly building menacing choral music) starts.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) The water is unyielding to the little boat containing the three magicked folk—Bri, Myrtle, and Ultovín—as it carries them east of Wynland toward stranger shores.

[SFX: Footsteps on wood.]

ULTOVÍN (Groaning)

BRI Use the common speech. Mumble a single word of Sanavran, I'll assume it's a spell, and I'll burn you.

[SFX: Fire ignites.]

ULTOVÍN You've bound my hands? Smart. Have you ever killed with your fire, girl? Have you ever killed at all? How about you…? You—? What is this sprightly little woman?

MYRTLE I'm a Halfin, and my name is Myrtle. (Lowering her voice menacingly) And if I wished, I could be your worst nightmare.

ULTOVÍN …Okay then.

BRI How did you know where to find us?

ULTOVÍN My servants offer gold here and there for tales of a girl who can summon fire. I received word through soul projection and came too late. You woke the beast, and now it won't rest until it devours you for your slight.

[Music: "Escape from Nurang" ends.]

BRI You sent that Belkish Sorseer to kill me.

ULTOVÍN Sorseer Courant. I heard. I am sorry, I underestimated his fanaticism. I ordered him to obtain you, not to kill you. He defied my orders. I swear by my God.

BRI (Scoffs) Am I supposed to just believe what you tell me? Am I supposed to believe any of you magicked people?

ULTOVÍN You're new to this game. This conflict of nations, of magic, of powers in the world.

BRI Well, I know the Magnir want to use me, and I know that you Sorseers want me dead.

ULTOVÍN Some, yes. But I know that you don't care. I could tell you the history of our order, of our war, and that will change nothing of your opinion. You are bound to this conflict, but you resist it because it reminds you of your father—

BRI (Groans) Gods dammit, curse it all. Okay, Myrtle, can you make a gag?

ULTOVÍN —And the scar he left on this world for what he did.

MYRTLE Aye, I'll fashion one.

ULTOVÍN The only way to rid you of this conflict is the same thing that traps you: pick a side.

BRI I know I'm not picking either of your sides. Why should I bite?

ULTOVÍN You were not the only one wronged by Villadius. You're not the only one who's trust he gained.

[SFX: Cloth rustling.]

MYRTLE Done! I can gag him now.

BRI Wait.

ULTOVÍN We were more than acquaintances, more than friends. We forged an unbreakable bond, and in my time of greatest need, he used our bond to bind me and my brothers.


[Music: "Villadius’s Theme" (hopeful flute music) starts.]

[SFX: Bells toll, seagulls cry, waves crash.]

ULTOVÍN (Voiceover) The moon is high. The waves crash along the walls of the Eternal City Hymerthral. Across the bay, resting on a small island, I see the shadow of the Sorseer tower, Pyr Kavarel. Master Logus thinks I am going to the market. But there he is, in his red cloak, waving at me from the street below.

[SFX: Footsteps on stone.]

VILLADIUS Ultovín! Come down from there.

[Music: "Villadius’s Theme" ends.]

ULTOVÍN No. No, tonight you come up here, my friend.


ULTOVÍN I muster the effort to row all the way from my temple to the rocks, then climb a thirty-foot wall, and you…what? Walk across the street and have a cup of wine and wait on me? No, no, today is the day you climb, Villadius.

VILLADIUS No, no, I couldn't possibly—

ULTOVÍN You promised you'd try.

VILLADIUS Just come down here so we can—

ULTOVÍN You promised.

VILLADIUS He's serious. Oh, deresansa navaa. Okay…climbing a wall. Where would I even—?

ULTOVÍN Here, climb this.

[SFX: Rope whooshing, falling to ground with a thud.]

VILLADIUS Ahh, I—I see. Okay then.

[SFX: Feet shuffling against stone wall, rope straining.]

ULTOVÍN (Grunting) I've got you, Villadius. Hold on.

VILLADIUS (Grunting) Don't let go, yeah?

ULTOVÍN Careful!

[SFX: Footsteps on stone, waves rolling.]

VILLADIUS Oh, Ziya. Thank you, my friend.

ULTOVÍN It's nothing. If you fell, the water would have caught you.

VILLADIUS Ugh, cold and dark. It looks like a horrible way to die.

ULTOVÍN Better than your fire, no? Isn't that how you Magnir die? By flame?

VILLADIUS (Laughs) No, no we burn the bodies of our dead. Never alive, we're not barbarians. Uh, did you bring the war game?

ULTOVÍN It's not a "war game". Just a game.

[SFX: Game pieces rattle.]

VILLADIUS Ah, excellent.

ULTOVÍN I brought a candle as well.


[SFX: Flame ignites.]

ULTOVÍN Show-off. I will set the board.

[SFX: Game pieces clacking across board.]

ULTOVÍN (Voiceover) We were in our fifties. He was as wise as any Master, and as gentle as a summer breeze.

[SFX: Game pieces clicking and sliding.]

VILLADIUS Have you mastered your astral projection?

ULTOVÍN (Sighs) Logus believes I am not ready to begin. Ironic, no? You drown yourself to project, to see your friends and speak to them from afar, only to scar your voice in the physical plane in the water. Did you pass your trials?

VILLADIUS I passed my histories and spells with perfection. But my fire throwing—I may have fallen ill suddenly and could not attend. So, I must take it again in the morning with Magnir Lothinasius.

ULTOVÍN Then we had better help you practice.

[SFX: Game pieces continue clacking.]

VILLADIUS Mm, do you give up yet? Where is your Deep God now? Prince of Sorseers?

ULTOVÍN He is still with me. I will be taking my Primadial, and one…two…three. Check.

VILLADIUS Ugh. Hmm, well, if I move there, you'll soon have me and… (Huffs, then laughs) Dier kellene, I would be no good in war. I much prefer being a vessel of knowledge.

ULTOVÍN Knowledge is pertinent to war, especially in ending them. It is the purpose of the Sorseers to use our gifts to brings peace to the world.

VILLADIUS That can't be, that's our goal! What the Magnir do. It's what we've always done. We maintain balance in the world. Keep the power equal, and in check.

ULTOVÍN Yes, as long as the powers of the world are happy, and not at war, who cares about the suffering and enslavement of the pawns that shield them?

VILLADIUS No, Ultovín, that is not what I meant—

[SFX: Footsteps on stone.]

[Music: "Villadius and Ultovín" (soft, tragic music) starts.]

ULTOVÍN You know nothing, Villadius. The true wars are in the streets, not in high towers. The power must belong to them.

VILLADIUS Let us not get started on this again. You know as well as I that I want what's best.

[SFX: Bells tolling.]

VILLADIUS And that means listening to one another, sharing what we know so that we can sway others who won't listen.

ULTOVÍN (Voiceover) We talked, we argued, we spent many a night together by the harbour between our Temples.

[SFX: Water lapping, oars rowing]

ULTOVÍN We spent many hours solving the great conflicts of the world and telling no one of our genius.

BRI (Laughs)

ULTOVÍN I thought the world of him. Then a day came when our love for one another was tested. After the Night's Plague, conflict arose between the Magnir and Sorseers, and it started in our own temple. It was never about Gods and Magic. Sorseers can rise from anywhere, of any character. High born and low. Good or evil. Master…or slave. And if they were equal to the Magnir who ruled, their way of life would end. I sought Villadius—I told him, if we came forward, if we showed them the peace that we had found in each other—we could find a common ground, and end the madness. But in my hour of need, he used the secrets I shared with him against us.

BRI So Villadius was always a prissy sweet talker. Why doesn't that surprise me? So he thinks I'm a way to restore balance. And what do you think I am?

ULTOVÍN I do not know. But I have theories.

[Music: "Villadius and Ultovín" ends.]

MYRTLE Okay, hold on, hold on. I need to find a quill and ink.

[SFX: Knocking against wood.]

ULTOVÍN (Groans) Under the rags.

MYRTLE Let's see—oh, you've got quite a few books packed in here. Let's see…

[SFX: Tarp crinkles, books shuffling.]

ULTOVÍN Do not touch them. They're very old. One of a kind. Be careful.


[Music: "It Isn’t Safe" (slow, menacing music) starts.]

[SFX: Fireplace crackling, hammering, metal clinking, wood creaking.]

THIEF #3 They’re coming! They have found us!

[SFX: Footsteps on stone.]

ROBERT How many did you count?

SCARLET Forty, nearly twice our number.

TARÚK They have crossbows, and they're making siege materials.

JENQUO Did you see Calan?

TARÚK No. The boy is not among them.

ADWARD (Muffled) Let us in, you thieves, in the name of King Masun of Wynhold and King Perrault of Bellar!

[SFX: Muffled shouting from knights.]

SCARLET We need a plan.

TARÚK They are twenty men greater in number.

JENQUO Your people must escape.

[Music: "It Isn’t Safe" ends.]

SCARLET There's no way out. Isn't that right? Robert?

ROBERT …No point in keeping secrets from all of you, I suppose. No, there's another way.

DUNLAUG What!? Why did you not tell us of this?

ROBERT For fear our only hope of escape will be discovered if one of you went for a quiet piss!

TARÚK Then you must all leave at once.

SCARLET We've searched the surrounding woods! This is the only refuge.

IRIKLAS Then scatter. Go out and go in all different directions.

ROBERT Would any of you have the last song of the Men of Ballads be one of cowardice?

[SFX: Dissent from crowd.]

ROBERT Would you have me take the easy way out, Ranger? And allow what I started to end in my absence?

JENQUO Orc? What are you thinking?

TARÚK I'm thinking I've misjudged this lot.

IRIKLAS Think so?

TARÚK Yes. They're more doomed than I presumed.


[SFX: Waves crashing, oars rowing.]

MYRTLE (Shivering) Oh, I can't sleep. I'm too cold and hungry. What are you doing awake?

BRI Trying to access the Spirit World. Maybe the dead can help us. (Blowing smoke)

MYRTLEWhat do you feel?

BRI Nothing yet. Oh, what am I doing wrong?

[SFX: Flapping of gigantic wings.]

MYRTLE What was that?

ULTOVÍN The dragon!?

BRI Oh, drat.

MYRTLE How did it find us? How did it even know we were here?

BRI I don't know!

ULTOVÍN I know that smell. Is this sanbaniel!?

MYRTLE Well, yes.

BRI Uh, I used it earlier to enter the spirit realm. That's not bad, right?

ULTOVÍN Dragons live in both realms, you foolish girl! Now she knows we're out here.

NURANG (In distance) WORM!

MYRTLE (Squeaking)

[SFX: Wood creaking.]

[Music: "Escape from Nurang" (slowly building menacing music) starts.]

BRI She didn't see us.

ULTOVÍN But she knows where we are. Unbind me. Now.

BRI You have got to be kidding. If I unbind you, you'll kill us both to recover your magical strength and save your own skin.

MYRTLE Oh, grass and hills, I'm surprised you could think of something so horrid.

ULTOVÍN Do you think yourself good to me dead?

BRI I think you prefer yourself alive.

ULTOVÍN I swear on the eternal Deep God, on my Queen Neradial, on my Master Logus, I will not harm you today. Now unbind me.

BRI And I swear on this knife I'll cut your throat if you do us any ill.

[SFX: Knife sawing rope.]

MYRTLE Bri, this isn't a good idea.

[Music: "Escape from Nurang" ends.]

[SFX: Clattering against wood, water splashing.]

BRI Hey! What are you—!?

ULTOVÍN Don't move! Don't disturb the water.

MYRTLE He's feeling the waves.

BRI Why?

[SFX: Oars clank.]

ULTOVÍN Row that way, with haste.

BRI Why? What is it?

MYRTLE What did you feel?

ULTOVÍN A chance. Now hurry.

[SFX: Oars rowing.]

BRI Once more, where are we going?

ULTOVÍN I do not know. The water only gives shape, not sight. And what it shapes for us is a large boat. We are getting closer.

NURANG (From above) I have found you at last, worm!

[SFX: Wings flapping closer, oars clattering.]


MYRTLE (Whimpering)

ULTOVÍN We are out of time.

[SFX: Clatter against wood, splash in water.]

BRI Ultovín, NO!

MYRTLE My word, he's a fast swimmer.

BRI He abandoned us.

MYRTLE He left his books—

NURANG (Roars)

[SFX: Dragonfire crackles.]



BRI That was close!

[SFX: Boat creaking.]

BRI …We're not moving, why is it so hard for it to hit us?

MYRTLE It's blind in one eye now.

BRI Oh…get down!

NURANG (Roaring)

[SFX: More dragonfire.]

MYRTLE You—you protected me.

BRI Nearly, it didn't hit—

[SFX: Fire crackling.]

[Music: "Escape from Nurang" starts.]

BRI Oh, it got the edge! Quickly, we need to put it out!

[SFX: Cloth patting.]

MYRTLE It's a good thing it just spent much of its fire. It will need to wait a little longer before—

NURANG (Roaring)

BRI Oh shi—

[SFX: Wood creaking and thudding.]

BRI (Screams)

MYRTLE (Screams)

NURANG (Laughs)

BRI She's got the whole boat!

NURANG Afraid of heights, worm!?

BRI Hold on!

[SFX: Splashing, wing flapping intensifies, objects clattering around boat.]

BRI (Grunts)

MYRTLE (Screaming) We're too high!

BRI And we're getting higher.

[SFX: Wind whistling.]

BRI Stop this! I'm not the one who blinded you!

NURANG But you aided the one who DID!

BRI I didn't know what he would do!

NURANG And you didn't THINK. Very well. I'll let fate decide what to do with you, worm.

MYRTLE We're getting too high!

BRI And soon it'll be too late. Hold on to me, Myrtle!

MYRTLE You're not going to jump, are you?

BRI Of course not. Don't let go.

[SFX: Cloth whooshing.]

BRI Let me take off my cloak here. Sorry, I lied.


[Music: "Escape from Nurang" ends.]

[SFX: Wind screeching.]

BRI (Distant screaming)

MYRTLE (Distant screaming)

[SFX: Splash, wading in water.]

BRI (Coughing and gasping)

MYRTLE (Coughing and gasping)

BRI Look out!

[SFX: Another splash, wood splintering, wings growing distant.]

MYRTLE Now what? (Coughs) We're trapped out here.

[SFX: Distant drums, oars rowing, grunting voices.]

BRI Look!

MYRTLE Who on Earth are they!?

BRI Orcs!

[SFX: Orcs shouting, ropes straining, oars clanking.]

NURANG (Roaring)

ROK Ready arrows!

[SFX: Bowstrings tightening.]


[SFX: Bows twang, arrows whistling.]

NURANG (Screaming) Curse you raiding beasts!

ROK There's more where that came from, you big scaly rat!

NURANG (Screams)

[SFX: Wings flap faster, fade into distance.]

BRI Oi! Down here!


[SFX: Wading through water.]

BRI (Grunting)

[SFX: Splashing, footsteps on wood, water dripping.]

BRI Oh, thank you, thank you so much for—

ORC #1 (Growls)

[SFX: Weapons draw, orc chatter grows louder.]


BRI Seems we're out of the fire and into the frying pan.

[SFX: More footsteps on wood.]

ROK Row over there and salvage their boat.

ORC #1 (Grunts affirmatively)

ROK And bind these two.

MYRTLE Your fire, Bri?

BRI I'm trying—

[SFX: Sizzling and hissing.]

[Music: "Tarúk’s Theme" (regal, melancholy music) starts.]

BRI —But my hands are too wet!

ORC #1 (Growls)

[SFX: Iron cuffs clink, footsteps on wood.]

MYRTLE Oh dear, it seems Tarúk was one of a kind after all!

[SFX: Orc chatter quiets, ropes creaking, oars clanking and rowing.]


BRI What?

ROK Tarúk? Why did you say that name?

MYRTLE Oh, I—um…

BRI We met him. In our land. Why?

ROK Tarúk. (Teeth clicking) That's a name we haven't heard in a good long while. Have you seen him, girl?

[SFX: Footsteps on wood.]

ROK Where is he!?

BRI (Yelps)

ROK Where is the CHIEFTAN!?

[Music: "Tarúk’s Theme" ends.]

[SFX: Orcs yelling.]


[SFX: Weapons clanking, fire crackling, doors opening and closing, hammering.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) Inside the old fortress, the motley crew of bandits prepare their defence against the knights that threaten them, who surround the encampment with tents and guards.

[Music: "It Isn’t Safe" starts.]

ADWARD (Muffled) Oh, Men of Ballads! Oh, Men of Ballads! I hope you're all well this morning. Ours is well, too. We have scrambled eggs, good chicken and bacon. Some fine ale and even milk is passed about. We have access to many supplies. I hope your supplies aren't dwindling. We would be happy to share. Just take down those barricades and let us in.

[Music: "It Isn’t Safe" ends.]

DUNLAUG I'll feast on your bones, knight!

ROBERT Dunlaug, what did we say about those kinds of threats?

DUNLAUG (Contrite) "They write no songs for maneaters."


IRIKLAS Do Orcs really…?

TARÚK No more than men eat each other.

IRIKLAS (Whispering) Jenquo, come this way.

[SFX: Footsteps on stone, rock scraping.]

IRIKLAS Here is the hidden exit. I've found it. Now Dwarf, we need to go now.


IRIKLAS We cannot stay! They'll soon be in and kill every last one of these people, and I don't plan to be around for that.

JENQUO We shan't abandon these people!

IRIKLAS We are not picking sides, Dwarf. Now come on.

DUNLAUG You are leaving us?

IRIKLAS The trial was never completed. I owe nothing to you people but a stubbed toe.

[Music: *]

DUNLAUG You would forsake us, after we offered you a place amongst us?

JENQUO Pardon me, Orc, but where is your clan? You are far away from your home.

[SFX: Fist beating chest.]

DUNLAUG Right HERE! THIS is my clan now! That is all that matters.

SCARLET Dunlaug, please. Be with me.

[SFX: Footsteps on stone.]

DUNLAUG I will not lose my clan again. I will not lose you. I…would sooner die.

SCARLET I know, my love. I know. Whatever happens, we are together.

[Music ends]

JENQUO By the sun and stars! Is that common, Tarúk? An Orc and a Human woman?

TARÚK It certainly is not.

[Music: "It Isn’t Safe" starts.]

IRIKLAS They aren't just thieves. (Slight sigh) We may not be one of them, but…

KNIGHT #1 (Muffled) HEAVE!

[SFX: Heavy battering against door, gasps amongst crowd.]

TARÚK If you have any more foolish ideas—


[SFX: More battering, crowd panicking.]

TARÚK —Then I am at your service.

[SFX: Battering, weapons clanking, rock scraping.]

[Music: "It Isn’t Safe" ends.]


[SFX: Crickets singing]


[SFX: Knights grunting and straining, battering against door.]


[SFX: More grunting and battering, armor clinking.]

ADWARD How's our progress on that door?

HEINRICH Steady as she goes.

GODWIN I don't see what the effort's all about. We could just wait till they starve, and have food sent to us for all that time.

[SFX: Distant blades clashing.]

ADWARD Very cunning idea, Sir Godwin, but I prefer to get my hands on the spoils of their thievery sooner than late.

GODWIN Oh, I could get my hands on more than that. Plenty of girls in this thieving company that could use "saving" from this life.

[SFX: Horses whinnying.]

HEINRICH Come, let us warm ourselves by the—

[SFX: Horses galloping and neighing.]

HEINRICH The horses are loose!

ADWARD Go on and get them! And someone put out the fire!

GODWIN What in the bloody hells is happening now!?

[SFX: Wagon wheels rolling, arrows whistling and piercing.]

[Music: "Voyagers and Knights" (percussive and choral battle music) starts.]

KNIGHT #2 (Grunts)

GODWIN I think we're under atta— (Gurgles)

[SFX: Armored footsteps marching.]

HEINRICH There he is! In the trees!

[SFX: More arrows flying.]

KNIGHT #3 He's an orc!

ADWARD An Orc archer?

KNIGHT #4 (Groans)

ADWARD No matter, torch the bloody tree and be done with him!

[SFX: Torch whooshing through air, fire catching and crackling.]

TARÚK (Coughing) Oh, curse me. Very well.

[SFX: Leaves rustling, footfall on dirt.]

TARÚK (Grunts)

[SFX: Sword draws, armored footsteps approaching, more swords ringing.]

KNIGHT #5 (Chuckles)

[SFX: Horse galloping.]

HEINRICH Look out!


[SFX: Horse kicks, neighing.]

KNIGHT #5 (Groans)

JENQUO Nice riding, Iriklas!

[SFX: Two sets of footfalls on dirt, daggers drawing.]

IRIKLAS Enough talk! Use that spear!

[SFX: Spear whooshes, blades clash and ring.]

TARÚK (Grunting)

JENQUO (Grunting)

[SFX: Stabbing impact.]



TARÚK Stay back!

[SFX: More armored footsteps marching, swords drawing.]


TARÚK Too many!

[Music: "Voyagers and Knights" ends.]

ADWARD Hold! You three.

IRIKLAS We’re surrounded…

[SFX: Weapons clattering to ground.]

TARÚK (Growling)

JENQUO (Groaning)

ADWARD I know you, from the village. I should have you killed. But I will spare you if you but tell me—where is the Magnir wench?

IRIKLAS Nice boots. (Hacks and spits)

JENQUO I'm so proud of you.

[SFX: Armored footsteps.]

ADWARD (Grunts)

[SFX: Punching impact.]

IRIKLAS (Grunts)

[SFX: More punching.]

TARÚK Elvan!

JENQUO You leave him ALONE!

TARÚK (Growling)


[SFX: Body thudding to ground.]

IRIKLAS (Groaning, spitting blood)

ADWARD Kill them.

[SFX: Swords lifting, then crashing noises, battle cries.]

TARÚK The thieves!

ROBERT Men of Ballads! ATTACK!

[SFX: Arrows flying, blades clashing, thieves and knights yelling and grunting.]

JENQUO They've come! Iriklas! We are saved!

TARÚK (Grunting)


JENQUO (Quietly) Iriklas…?


[SFX: Birds singing, leaves rustling.]

TARÚK Yes, wake.

IRIKLAS (Nasally) My nose! (Groans)

[SFX: Rustling on dirt.]

IRIKLAS Am…I alive? Did we win?

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt.]

ROBERT We drove them back.

DUNLAUG It seems your surprise attack scattered them, allowing us in full force to take out so many of their number, the rest ran in fear.

SCARLET They will be back. We are leaving for another home.

[SFX: More footsteps on dirt.]

ROBERT So, you were holding back, Orc. You're stronger and more skilled than you revealed. All of you, you've proven yourselves to be more than what you appear. Come with us.

TARÚK I must decline. There…may be something I must see to. In Gathland. Or one of these lands.

[SFX: Footsteps on dirt.]

IRIKLAS May we join you?

[Music: "The Men of Ballads” (enigmatic, slightly playful string music) starts.]

JENQUO (Gasps)



IRIKLAS Sorry, your Highness. But having friends this deep in the country wouldn't hurt. Catch.

[SFX: Coin purse jingles.]

ROBERT What is this?

IRIKLAS Call it a tribute to the Men of Ballads, who share what they hold.

ROBERT I should like to take you up on that contest of blades sometime. Few are able to best me.

IRIKLAS Let's hope none do until we see each other again.

[SFX: Footsteps fade out.]

[Music: "The Men of Ballads” ends.]


[SFX: Birdsong, leaves rustling, footsteps on dirt.]

NARRATOR (Voiceover) The sun pours golden over the bandit wood, over naked trees, the road and forest floor blanketed with shed leaves, and through it walk three friends: Tarúk, Iriklas, and Jenquo.

JENQUO You did not give him all of our reward, right?

IRIKLAS Oh, of course not.

[SFX: Coin purse jingles.]

IRIKLAS Just a little under half. I don't think I'm ready to part with any more just yet.

TARÚK Hm. I do not understand you, but I respect you.

JENQUO We are all three of us far from home, are we not?

TARÚK Indeed. An odd trio we make.

[Music: "Brothers in Arms" (soft and plaintive building to triumphant music) starts.]

JENQUO If they shall not have us, then I say to hells with them. We are all our own clan. Now, I proclaim it, before the Gods, living and dead! We have surpassed friendly acquaintance. Whether we find the girls or not, we will vow to stay together. We need not fear for our own backs, for we will be watching each other. Brothers in arms, I proclaim us.

TARÚK Brothers in arms!

[SFX: Hands clasping.]

IRIKLAS (Sighs) Brothers in arms.


[Music: "Brothers in Arms" ends.]

[Music: "End Credits" (rustic percussive music) starts.]

NARRATOR The Call of the Flame: An Audio Play. Starring Bonnie Bogovich, Stephen Cumberworth, Jacob Williamson, Corey Borchers, Hayden Ashley, Abigail Turner, Xathian, Gary Gibbs the Second and Sarah Ruth Thomas as Nurang. For the full cast list, please visit This chapter was written by Kurt Cañez and co-written with Nadi Reed Perez. Sanavran speech by Megan Watson. This podcast was written and produced by Kurt Cañez. With music by Adam Halpin, with additional tracks by Stephen Cumberworth, both can be found on Bandcamp. Editing by Kurt Cañez and Sasha Blore. Read the podcast description and follow us on our pages of media. Send a bird bearing the hashtag COTF Podcast and follow us on Twitter @calloftheflame. Leave us a review on iTunes. Although the greatest way to support the show is to become a patron of ours on our Patreon page so that we may maintain our production. Five dollar and above listeners get exclusive content such as music tracks by Adam Halpin and extended episodes. Special thank you to our patrons: Ben Blair, Cassie M, Cloudy Evalage, John Doyle, Jon Winstead, Ryan Cushman, Zane Simmon. Gather around in two weeks for the next installment of our play. To ask us about sponsorship, send an electronic letter to And now a message from our playwright.

KURT Hey, my apartment hunting has paid off, and that’s part of the reason why this one was actually a little bit late. But moving in and also getting ready for the Hear Now Festival. I’ll be a guest appearing there, it’ll be June 8th in Kansas City. I’ll be there promoting The Call of The Flame and there’ll be a listening session and yeah, I hope to chat with a lot of folks and get familiar with the community a little bit better. One thing I do always wanna get better at is promoting the show, engaging the community, posting more stuff. Whenever someone makes a review or whatever, someone plugs the show, I’m always grateful. It’s always a delight to see and I always hope to grow and expand this thing beyond just like a normal audio drama community sorta set up. This is definitely the soundiest episode I’ve ever done, I’ve deliberately written Chapter Nine to be more dialogue-driven than anything else just so I don’t have to go through this kinda hell again. Shoutout to my friend Ariana, and yeah, I’ll see you all next time, I’ll see you all whenever the next one gets released. So, yeah, I’ll leave you with that.

NARRATOR This has been a Magnir Production. I am your narrator, George Hoctor. We thank you all for listening.